IC Marsh , SWY Chan , A MacBeth
S Imran , A MacBeth , E Quayle , SWY Chan
Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy 10 ( 5)
V Sawrikar , A MacBeth , K Gillespie-Smith , M Brown
A Raouna , CS Osam , A MacBeth
Angus M MacBeth
University of Glasgow
Angus M MacBeth
University of Glasgow
Matthias Schwannauer , Andrew Gumley , Angus MacBeth , Angus MacBeth
Psychology and Psychotherapy-theory Research and Practice 84 ( 1) 42 -57
Paul Lysaker , Matthias Schwannauer , A. Gumley , Angus MacBeth
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 263
Matthias Schwannauer , Andrew Gumley , Angus MacBeth , John Read
Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis 2 ( 2) 127 -148
Angus MacBeth , Stella W.Y. Chan , Ethel Quayle , Somia Imran
Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy 10 ( 5) 1 -8
Giancarlo Dimaggio , Raffaele Popolo , Paolo Ottavi , Angus MacBeth
Psychology Hub 37 ( 1) 19 -28
Angus MacBeth , Stella W.Y. Chan , Ethel Quayle , Somia Imran
Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy 10 ( 4) 1 -6
Angus MacBeth , Aigli Raouna , Ruaridh Malcolm , Raquib Ibrahim
PLOS ONE 16 ( 2)
Chamarrita Farkas , Angus MacBeth , Lisa-Christine Girard
Current Psychology 1 -16
Giancarlo Dimaggio , Raffaele Popolo , Angus MacBeth , Antonella Centonze
Journal of Clinical Psychology 77 ( 5) 1219 -1232
David T Turner , Edel McGlanaghy , Pim Cuijpers , Mark van der Gaag
Schizophrenia Bulletin 44 ( 3) 475 -491
David T Turner , Angus MacBeth , Amanda Larkin , Steffen Moritz
Schizophrenia Bulletin 45 ( 4) 784 -793
Angus MacBeth , Andrew Gumley , Matthias Schwannauer
Routledge 144 -160
Angus MacBeth , James Law , Iain McGowan , John Norrie
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 57 ( 12) 1119 -1128