Thomas L. Marzetta , Jack Salz
international conference on acoustics, speech, and signal processing 4 913 -916
Naofal AL-DHAHIR , Georgios B GIANNAKIS , Bertrand HOCHWALD , Brian L HUGHES
IEEE transactions on signal processing 50 ( 10)
TL MARZETTA , M Schoenberg
Geophysics 51 ( 2) 431 -431
Andrea Pizzo , Luca Sanguinetti , Thomas L Marzetta
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 21 ( 9) 6890 -6905
Najath Akram , Arjuna Madanayake , Sravan Pulipati , Viduneth Ariyarathna
IEEE Access 9 142743 -142753
Meysam Sadeghi , Emil Björnson , Erik G Larsson , Chau Yuen
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 ( 2) 1358 -1373
Elza Erkip , Giuseppe Durisi , Robert W Heath , Thomas L Marzetta
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory 3 ( 1) 2 -4
Emil Björnson , Chan-Byoung Chae , Robert W Heath Jr , Thomas L Marzetta
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.02844
Thomas L Marzetta , Bertrand M Hochwald
Bertrand M Hochwald , Thomas L Marzetta , Dennis M Romain
Bertrand M Hochwald , Thomas L Marzetta
Thomas L Marzetta , Bertrand M Hochwald
Forty-Second Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
Bertrand M Hochwald , Thomas L Marzetta
Shlomo Shamai , Thomas L Marzetta
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48 ( 4) 938 -942
Mahesh Godavarti , Thomas L Marzetta , Shlomo Shamai
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49 ( 12) 3330 -3334
Fredrik Rusek , Daniel Persson , Buon Kiong Lau , Erik G Larsson
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 30 ( 1) 40 -60
T Marzetta , EG Larsson , H Yang , HQ Ngo
Babak Hassibi , Thomas L Marzetta
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48 ( 6) 1473 -1484
Thomas L Marzetta , Alexei Ashikhmin , Paul A Polakos
Christopher V Kimball , Thomas L Marzetta