de Vreese , H Claes
C.H. de Vreese
Comparing democracies 3: elections and voting in the 21st century 118 -140
C.H. de Vreese
Communication series 203 -230
C.H. de Vreese
n.v.t.Unknown Publisher
C.H. de Vreese
L'Europa dell'euro e della Guerra. La campagna elettorale europea 1999 in Italia e in sette paesi dell'Unione. 223 -258
C.H. de Vreese
Determination of information and tenor in texts: Mutidisciplinary approaches to discourse 151 -164
C.H. de Vreese
Europeanization and democratic governance 25 -43
R. Slothuus , K.M. Hansen , C.H. de Vreese
De nye politiske landskab [The new political landscape]. 67 -87
R. Vliegenthart , S. Kruikemeier , C.H. de Vreese , G. van Noort
Tijdschrift Voor Communicatiewetenschappen 43 ( 1) 4 -22
H. Schmitt , C.H. de Vreese
E. Albæk , D.N. Hopmann , C.H. de Vreese
Journalistik of samfund ( 3)
K.L.K. Brants , C.H. de Vreese , P. van Praag
Bestuurskunde 19 ( 1) 11 -18
C.H. de Vreese , S. Binzer Hobolt , W. van der Brug
C.H. de Vreese
M.J.P. Deuze , C.H. de Vreese
European Journalism Center
C.H. de Vreese , J. Peter , C. van der Eijk , E. Lauf
European elections and domestic politics: Lessons from the past and scenarios for the future 116 -130
H.G. Boomgaarden , C.H. de Vreese
Manufacturing Europe: spaces of democracy, diversity and communication 117 -128
R. Vliegenthart , A.R.T. Schuck , C.H. de Vreese
Conference papers: International Communication Association: annual meeting 2011
H.G. Boomgaarden , M. van Klingeren , C.H. de Vreese
Conference papers: International Communication Association: annual meeting 2012 ( 2012)
A.R.T. Schuck , C.H. de Vreese
Chronique d'un "non" annoceé: La communication politique et l'Europe [The Dutch No: the culmination of emerging Euroskepticism in the Netherlands] (pp.193-207). 193 -207