Detmar W Straub , Elizabeth Ayalew , Rahel Bekele
americas conference on information systems
Elena Karahanna , Detmar W Straub
Information & Management 35 ( 4) 237 -250
Robert M Davison , Malcolm Munro , Detmar W Straub
Communications of The Ais 13 ( 1) 1
Christophe M Elie-Dit-Cosaque , Detmar W Straub
European Journal of Information Systems 20 ( 5) 589 -607
Shelly Ping-Ju Wu , Detmar W Straub , Ting-Peng Liang
MIS quarterly 39 ( 2) 497 -518
Detmar W Straub , Richard T Watson
Akshay Bhagwatwar , Sid Davis , Amitava Dutta , E Vance Wilson
Izak Benbasat , Robert W Zmud , Viswanath Venkatesh , Blake Ives
Detmar W Straub , Izak Benbasat , Phillip Ein-Dor , Georgios Doukidis
Detmar W Straub , David J Ketchen Jr , Joseph F Hair , G Tomas M Hult
Organizational Research Methods 1 28 -28
Ming-Hui Huang , Detmar W Straub , Eric TG Wang , Varun Grover
Detmar W Straub , Donna L Hoffman , Bruce W Weber , Charles Steinfield
Karen D Loch , Detmar W Straub , Sherif Kamel
Routledge 143 -175
Detmar W Straub , David Gefen , Marie-Claude Boudreau
Research in information systems: A handbook for research supervisors and their students 1
Detmar W Straub , Soon Ang
Management Information Systems Quarterly 35 ( 1) iii -xi
William D Nance , Detmar W Straub
Journal of Information Technology Management 7 1 -14
Detmar W Straub , PJ Carlson , EH Jones
Journal of Management Systems 5 ( 1) 33 -48
Detmar W Straub
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Detmar W Straub , Seymour Goodman , Richard L Baskerville
Routledge 5 -12
Detmar W Straub , Jonathan K Trower
University of Minnesota