Victor Lee , Matthew Berland , Maneksha DuMont
international conference of learning sciences 397 -398
Megan Niebergall , Victor Lee
Victor Lee , Jeffrey Thayne
Bruce Sherin , Victor Lee , David E. Kanter
international conference of learning sciences 293 -299
Bruce Sherin , Andrea diSessa , Orit Parnafes , Daniel Edelson
international conference of learning sciences 306 -313
Victor Lee
Foundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology
Victor Lee , Paul Marshall , Asimina Vasalou , Kyrill Potapov
human factors in computing systems
Scott R. Bartholomew , Ed Reeve , Raymond Veon , Wade Goodridge
Journal of Technology Education 29 ( 1) 2 -24
Victor Lee , Travis Thurston , Chris Thurston
Methods of Information in Medicine 56 ( 2017)
Regina Cheng , Stefania Druga , Emilia Gan , Catherine D’Ignazio
Smpte Journal
Brian Belland , Joanne Bentley , Byron Burnham , Anne Diekema
Educational Technology 49 ( 4) 38 -41
Bruce Sherin , Victor Lee
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada
Aubrey Rogowski , Victor Lee , Mimi Recker , Heidee Vincent
Library Juice Press 167 -182
Victor Lee
VICTOR R Lee , Aubrey Rogowski , Umar Shehzad , Mimi Recker
Teacher librarian 48 ( 3)
KYRILL Potapov , ASIMINA Vasalou , VICTOR Lee , PAUL Marshall
ACM Press
Victor R Lee , Jonathan Z. Boxerman , Jeffrey Olsen
2013 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association
Victor R Lee , Lei Ye , Mimi Recker
international conference of learning sciences 2 172 -176
Victor R Lee , Andrew Walker , Tom Caswell , Brett E Shelton
23 -40
Tamara Sumner , Victor R Lee , Mimi Recker
Workshop on CSCW in Education