Kendall W Hartley
Educational Media International 36 ( 2) 145 -150
Kendall W Hartley , David Fowler , Robert Mann
The Science Teacher 66 ( 7) 34 -34
Lisa Bendixen , Kendall Hartley
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2000 ( 1) 1640 -1644
Linda F. Quinn , Kendall Hartley , Alexandru Spatariu
TechTrends: Linking Research and Practice to Improve Learning 51 ( 3) 44 -48
Kendall Hartley
E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2013 ( 1) 1130 -1134
Kendall Hartley , LD Bendixen
Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 12 ( 3) 275 -289
Kendall Hartley , Jian Wang
The Journal of Technology and Teacher Education 11 ( 1) 105 -138
Kendall Hartley
Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia archive 10 ( 3) 285 -305
Lisa D. Bendixen , E Michael Nussbaum , Kendall Hartley , Gale M. Sinatra
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting 2002 ( 1)
Lisa D. Bendixen , Kendall Hartley , Alexandru Spatariu
Journal of Interactive Online Learning 2 ( 4)
Wu He , Kendall Hartley
Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 19 ( 1) 23 -37
Kendall Hartley , Kyle Higgins , Pam Campbell , Ashley Skylar
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2003 ( 1) 3205 -3206
David Heflich , Kendall Hartley , Neal Strudler , Terresa Gibney
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2001 ( 1) 195 -196
Kendall Hartley , Yuehua Zhang , David Fowler , Ying-Chi Chen
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2000 ( 1) 1619 -1623
Kendall Hartley
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2001 ( 1) 1964 -1967
Kendall Hartley , Lisa D. Bendixen
Educational Researcher 30 ( 9) 22 -26
Bobby Hoffman , Matthew T. McCrudden , Gregory Schraw , Kendall Hartley
Asia Pacific Education Review 9 ( 4) 464 -474
Marshall Raskind , Bob Hoffman , Kendall Hartley , Randall Boone
Intervention In School And Clinic 40 ( 3) 171 -176
Loretta Donovan , Tim Green , Kendall Hartley
Journal of Educational Computing Research 42 ( 4) 423 -441
E. Michael Nussbaum , Kendall Hartley , Gale M. Sinatra , Ralph E. Reynolds
Journal of Educational Computing Research 30 ( 1) 113 -136