Helen (Helen Mary Theresa) Kennedy
Biography 26 ( 1) 120 -139
Helen W Kennedy
Games and Culture 13 ( 7) 708 -727
Helen W Kennedy
Game studies 2 ( 2) 1 -12
Seth Giddings , Helen W Kennedy
Understanding digital games 129 -147
Jonathan Dovey , Helen W Kennedy
The players’ realm: Studies on the culture of video games and gaming 131 -153
Jon Dovey , Tomasz Macios , Anna Oksiuta , Helen W Kennedy
Smpte Journal
Jon Dovey , Helen W Kennedy
Tomasz Macios, Anna Oksiuta, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Helen W Kennedy
The new media and technocultures reader
Helen W Kennedy
Routledge 72 -81
Helen W Kennedy
Bloomsbury Publishing
Jonathan Dovey , Helen W Kennedy
Games in Action Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden 14 2007 -2007
Sarah Atkinson , Helen W Kennedy
Routledge 392 -403
Sarah Atkinson , Helen W Kennedy
Manchester University Press 61 -94
Sarah Atkinson , Helen W Kennedy
Adventures Across Space and Time: A Doctor Who Reader
Sarah Atkinson , Helen W Kennedy
Manchester University Press 172 -204
Sarah Atkinson , Helen W Kennedy
Manchester University Press 254 -256
Sarah Atkinson , Helen W Kennedy
Manchester University Press viii -xi
Sarah Atkinson , Helen W Kennedy
Manchester University Press 22 -60
Sarah Atkinson , Helen W Kennedy
Manchester University Press 248 -253
Sarah Atkinson , Helen W Kennedy
Manchester University Press 134 -171