Robyn R. Lutz , Samik Basu , Hongyu Sun
software product lines 141 -150
Robyn R. Lutz , Inés Carmen Mikulski
international conference on software engineering 578 -583
Yoko Ampo , Robyn R. Lutz
Robyn R. Lutz , Jack H. Lutz , James I. Lathrop , Hugh D. Potter
arXiv: Emerging Technologies
Gerald C. Gannod , Robyn R. Lutz
Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Software engineering - ICSE '00 548 -557
Samuel J. Ellis , Titus H. Klinge , James I. Lathrop , Jack H. Lutz
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 28 ( 2) 1 -20
Josh Dehlinger , Robyn R. Lutz
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30 ( 4) 1 -7
Robyn R. Lutz , Ines Carmen Mikulski
Journal of Systems and Software 65 ( 2) 155 -161
Robyn R. Lutz , Gerald C. Gannod
Journal of Systems and Software 66 ( 3) 253 -267
Robyn R. Lutz , Robert M. Woodhouse
Annals of Software Engineering 3 ( 1) 459 -475
Dingding Lu , Robyn R. Lutz , Carl K. Chang
IGI Global 31 -54
Simona Bernardi , José Merseguer , Robyn R. Lutz
european dependable computing conference 95 -104
Josh Dehlinger , Robyn R. Lutz
international conference on software maintenance 207 -216
Sandeep Krishnan , Chris Strasburg , Robyn R. Lutz , Katerina Goševa-Popstojanova
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Predictive Models in Software Engineering - Promise '11 7
Amanda Weinstein , Lucy Fortson , Thomas Brantseg , Cameron Rulten
Proceedings of 38th International Conference on High Energy Physics — PoS(ICHEP2016) 282 930
Robyn R. Lutz
Requirements Engineering 20 ( 3) 213 -214
Robyn R. Lutz , Jack H. Lutz
international conference on software engineering 888 -889
Robyn R. Lutz
symposium on software reusability 17 -26