Matthew Farrens , Mehmet Balman , Eric Pouyoul , Nathan Hanford
network aware data management 9 -15
Vishal Ahuja , Amitabha Banerjee , Matthew Farrens , Dipak Ghosal
Proceedings of the 20th international symposium on High performance distributed computing - HPDC '11 61 -72
Vishal Ahuja , Matthew Farrens , Dipak Ghosal
Proceedings of the eighth ACM/IEEE symposium on Architectures for networking and communications systems - ANCS '12 39 -48
Nathan Hanford , Vishal Ahuja , Matthew K. Farrens , Dipak Ghosal
architectures for networking and communications systems 259 -260
Nathan Hanford , Vishal Ahuja , Matthew K. Farrens , Brian Tierney
ACM Computing Surveys 51 ( 3) 54
Amit Pande , Vishal Ahuja
2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) 1095 -1100
Ross K. Gegan , Vishal Ahuja , John D. Owens , Dipak Ghosal
communications and networking symposium 296 -305
Amit Pande , Vishal Ahuja , Rajarajan Sivaraj , Eilwoo Baik
IEEE MultiMedia 20 ( 3) 88 -94
Nathan Hanford , Vishal Ahuja , Mehmet Balman , Matthew K. Farrens
network aware data management 1 -10
Nathan Hanford , Vishal Ahuja , Matthew Farrens , Dipak Ghosal
Future Generation Computer Systems 56 277 -283
Vishal Ahuja , Dipak Ghosal , Matthew Farrens
2012 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (ccgrid 2012) 595 -602
Vishal Ahuja , Rennie Archibald , Amitabha Banerjee , Matt Farrens
Proc. IOM
Vishal Ahuja , Ilya Baldin , Amitabha Banerjee , Jerry Chou
Amit Pande , Vishal Ahuja
Vishal Ahuja
University of California, Davis