Karl N. Levitt , Simon Parsons , Elizabeth Sklar , Jeff Rowe
national conference on artificial intelligence
Larry A. Clough , Ryan Maglich , Karl N. Levitt , James E. Just
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 158 -176
Phillip Porras , Linda Briesemeister , Keith Skinner , Karl Levitt
workshop on rapid malcode 73 -82
Chin-Yang Tseng , Poornima Balasubramanyam , Calvin Ko , Rattapon Limprasittiporn
Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Security of ad hoc and sensor networks - SASN '03 125 -134
Andy Applebaum , Zimi Li , Karl Levitt , Simon Parsons
Argument & Computation 7 201 -221
Daniela Oliveira , Dhiraj Murthy , Henric Johnson , S. Felix Wu
2011 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Semantic Computing 380 -386
John C Knight , Jack W Davidson , David Evans , Westley Weimer
Defense Technical Information Center
Yuquan Shan , Jayaram Raghuram , George Kesidis , David J Miller
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2015 ( 1) 29
Jeff Rowe , Karl Levitt , Simon Parsons , Elizabeth Sklar
new security paradigms workshop 43 -52
Parisa Kianmajd , Jeff Rowe , Karl Levitt
conference on computer communications workshops 1045 -1046
Mani Amoozadeh , Arun Raghuramu , Chen-nee Chuah , Dipak Ghosal
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 ( 6) 126 -132
Bogdan Copos , Karl Levitt , Jeff Rowe , Parisa Kianmajd
the internet of things 148 -155
Diane Henshel , Alexander Alexeev , Mariana Cains , Jeff Rowe
2016 IEEE Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST) 1 -5
Bogdan Copos , Karl Levitt , Matt Bishop , Jeff Rowe
ieee symposium on security and privacy 245 -251
Senthilkumar G. Cheetancheri , John Mark Agosta , Denver H. Dash , Karl N. Levitt
Proceedings of the 2006 SIGCOMM workshop on Large-scale attack defense - LSAD '06 107 -113
Thomas Tran , Jeff Rowe , S. Felix Wu
social informatics 6430 203 -215
Haifeng Zhao , Shaozhi Ye , Prantik Bhattacharyya , Jeff Rowe
social informatics 6430 232 -247
Henric Johnson , Prantik Bhattacharyya , S. Felix Wu , Jeff Rowe
collaborative computing 87 -94
Calvin Ko , Paul Brutch , Jeff Rowe , Guy Tsafnat
recent advances in intrusion detection 190 -204
Azeem Aqil , Ahmed Fathy Atya , Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy , Paul Yu
communications and networking symposium 270 -278