Miroslaw Szaban , Franciszek Seredy nski , Pascal Bouvry
intelligent information systems 131 -140
Franciszek Seredyñski
Parallel and Distributed Processing: 10 IPPS/SPDP'98 Workshops Held in Conjunction with the 12th International Parallel Processing Symposium and 9th Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Orlando, Florida, USA, March 30-April 3, 1998: Proceedings 261 -261
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on PASA'96, Parallel Systems & Algorithms, Research Center J? ulich, Germany, 10-12 April 1996 33 -33
Pascal Bouvry , Franciszek Seredynski , Farhad Arbab
Euro-PDS 293 -298
Franciszek Seredynski , A. Baczko
DDB 295 -320
Franciszek Seredynski , A. Krystosik , W. Grabski
Parcella 109 -117
Franciszek Seredynski , Jakub Gasior
international conference on cloud computing 201 -205
Pascal Bouvry , Franciszek Seredynski , Antonina Tretyakova
international conference on advances in system simulation 92 ( 2) 153 -164
Franciszek Seredynski , Miroslaw Szaban
J. Cell. Autom. 13 229 -246
Anna Piwonska , Franciszek Seredynski
cellular automata for research and industry 198 -208
Jaroslaw Skaruz , Franciszek Seredynski
evoworkshops on applications of evolutionary computing 1 -10
Miroslaw Szaban , Franciszek Seredynski
The Journal of Supercomputing 57 ( 2) 216 -226
Jaroslaw Skaruz , Franciszek Seredynski
international multiconference on computer science and information technology 117 -123
Franciszek Seredynski , Pascal Bouvry , Farhad Arbab
parallel computing technologies 94 -108
Antonina Tretyakova , Franciszek Seredynski
GCAI 2015. Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36 296 -311
Franciszek Seredynski , Jaroslaw Skaruz
international conference on emerging applications of information technology 283 -286
Franciszek Seredynski
international syposium on methodologies for intelligent systems 356 -365