David A. Cieslak , Nitesh V. Chawla , Douglas L. Thain
grid computing 217 -224
Douglas L Thain
The University of Wisconsin-Madison
Subir Sarkar , Douglas Thain , Frank Würthwein , Stefano Belforte
arcs workshops 285 -292
Remzi H. Arpaci-dusseau , Miron Livny , Andrea Arpaci-dusseau , Douglas Thain
Aaron Striegel , Douglas Thain , Andrew Blaich , Qi Liao
usenix large installation systems administration conference 59 -74
Miron Livny , Douglas Thain
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience 6 ( 3)
Aaron Striegel , Douglas Thain , Andrew Blaich
Software - Practice and Experience 39 ( 15) 1235 -1251
Douglas Thain , Kyle B. Wheeler
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 22 ( 1) 45 -67
Douglas Thain , Patrick Donnelly , Brenden Kokoszka
Christian Trott , Tzu-Ray Shan , Stan Moore , Aidan Thompson
University of Edinburgh
Douglas Thain , Haiyan Meng , Peter Ivie
Miron Livny , Douglas Thain
University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Computer Sciences
Jeffery Kinnison , Nathaniel Kremer-Herman , Douglas Thain , Walter Scheirer
workshop on applications of computer vision 738 -747
Nathaniel Kremer-Herman , Benjamin Tovar , Douglas Thain
ieee international conference on high performance computing data and analytics 39
Qimin Zhang , Nathaniel Kremer-Herman , Benjamin Tovar , Douglas Thain
workflows in support of large scale science
Andrew Thrasher , Rory Carmichael , Peter Bui , Li Yu
workflows in support of large-scale science 1 -6
Jeffrey Hemmes , Christian Poellabauer , Douglas Thain
military communications conference 1 -7
Olivia Choudhury , Nicholas Hazekamp , Douglas Thain , Scott Emrich
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience 16 ( 1) 53 -70
Ioan Raicu , Ian Foster , Yong Zhao , Alex Szalay
IGI Global 28 -73
Douglas Thain , Michael Albrecht , Hoang Bui , Peter Bui
IGI Global 140 -154