Annie Lang , Satoko Kurita , Bridget R. Rubenking , Robert F. Potter
Communication Methods and Measures 5 ( 2) 146 -162
A Lang , Z Wang , SD Bradley , B Rubenking
Technical Report 1
Cheryl Campanella Bracken , Gary Pettey , B Rubenking , Trupti Guha
Information Processing division of the International Communication Association annual convention in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
A Lang , Z Wang , S Kurita , SD Bradley
Bloomington, IN: Taylot & Francis
Michael G. Strawser , Bridget Rubenking , Stephanie A. Smith
Cheryl Campanella Bracken , Bridget Rubenking
Addictive Behaviors Reports 100356
Leo Jeffres , Jeanine Carroll , Bridget Rubenking , Joe Amschlinger
Progress in Transplantation 18 ( 4) 257 -262
Bridget Rubenking , Cheryl Campanella Bracken , Jennifer Sandoval , Alex Rister
International Journal of Digital Television 9 ( 1) 69 -85
Bridget Rubenking , Annie Lang
The Social Science Journal 52 ( 2) 258 -265
Bridget Rubenking , Cheryl Campanella Bracken
Studies in Media and Communication 3 ( 2) 120 -128
Bridget Rubenking
Computers in Human Behavior 96 63 -71
Kelly Merrill Jr. , Bridget Rubenking
The Social Sciences 8 ( 1) 10
Bridget Rubenking , Melissa Dodd
Communication Teacher 32 ( 2) 102 -116
Bridget Rubenking
Communication Research Reports 33 ( 4) 324 -331
Bridget Rubenking , Cheryl Campanella Bracken
Communication Research Reports 35 ( 5) 381 -391
Bridget Rubenking , Nicky Lewis
International Journal of Sport Communication 9 ( 4) 424 -439
Gary Pettey , Cheryl Campanella Bracken , Bridget Rubenking , Michael Buncher
Virtual Reality 14 ( 1) 15 -25
Bridget Rubenking , Annie Lang
Journal of Communication 64 ( 3) 543 -565
Annie Lang , Satoko Kurita , Ya Gao , Bridget Rubenking
Media Psychology 16 ( 2) 129 -153
Annie Lang , Ashley Sanders-Jackson , Zheng Wang , Bridget Rubenking
Motivation and Emotion 37 ( 3) 508 -517