Timo Kumpula , Bruce C. Forbes , Florian Stammler
Nordia Geographical Publications 35 ( 2) 17–30 -17–30
Pavel Ya. Groisman , Drew Shindell , Mark C. Serreze , Mads C. Forchhammer
Snow, water, ice and permafrost in the arctic (SWIPA) : climate change and the cryosphere 1 -59
Heidi Kitti , Bruce C. Forbes , Jari Oksanen
Polar Biology 32 ( 2) 253 -261
Bruce C. Forbes
Restoration Ecology 1 ( 1) 59 -68
Bruce C. Forbes
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 15
Bruce C. Forbes , Olga I. Sumina
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 31 ( 4) 389 -399
Timo Kumpula , Bruce C. Forbes , Florian Stammler , Nina Meschtyb
Remote Sensing 4 ( 4) 1046 -1068
Annett Bartsch , Timo Kumpula , Bruce C. Forbes , Florian Stammler
Ecological Applications 20 ( 8) 2346 -2358
Marc Macias-Fauria , Bruce C. Forbes , Pentti Zetterberg , Timo Kumpula
Nature Climate Change 2 ( 8) 613 -618
Bruce C. Forbes
Environmental Conservation 19 ( 1) 48 -58
Bruce C. Forbes
Environmental Conservation 22 ( 4) 335 -344
Bruce C. Forbes
Environmental Conservation 20 ( 4) 372 -372
Gail Whiteman , D. René de Vos , F. Stuart Chapin , Vesa Yli-Pelkonen
Business Strategy and The Environment 20 ( 4) 251 -265
Bruce C. Forbes , Florian Stammler , Timo Kumpula , Nina Meschtyb
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106 ( 52) 22041 -22048
Beatrice E. Willard , David J. Cooper , Bruce C. Forbes
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 39 ( 1) 177 -183
Bruce C. Forbes
Polar Record 35 ( 195) 317 -322
John Pomeroy , Arja Rautio , David A. Robinson , Niels M. Schmidt
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 40 ( 1) 32 -45
Bruce C. Forbes
Arctic 49 ( 2) 141 -154
Timo Kumpula , Anu Pajunen , Elina Kaarlejärvi , Bruce C. Forbes
Global Environmental Change-human and Policy Dimensions 21 ( 2) 550 -562