Ariel Malka
The Encyclopedia of Political Thought 3171 -3172
Bruno Galantucci , Kelly Gerin , Carrie Theisen , Ben Rosenzweig
Cognitive Science 33 ( 33)
Yphtach Lelkes , Ariel Malka , Penelope Sheets
Journal of Experimental Political Science 3 ( 1) 97 -107
Ariel Malka , Christopher J. Soto
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 ( 3) 320 -321
Ariel Malka , Martin V. Covington
Contemporary Educational Psychology 30 ( 1) 60 -80
Ariel Malka
At the Forefront of Political Psychology 224 -241
Adam B. Cohen , Ariel Malka , Eric D. Hill , Felix Thoemmes
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 35 ( 3) 271 -282
Ariel Malka , Jennifer A. Chatman
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 29 ( 6) 737 -746
Ariel Malka , Christopher J. Soto
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 37 ( 8) 1091 -1103
Ariel Malka , Danny Osborne , Christopher J. Soto , Lara M. Greaves
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 42 ( 9) 1243 -1257
Ariel Malka , Yphtach Lelkes , Christopher J. Soto
British Journal of Political Science 49 ( 3) 1045 -1069
Adam B. Cohen , Ariel Malka , Paul Rozin , Lina Cherfas
Journal of Personality 74 ( 1) 85 -118
Ariel Malka , Christopher J. Soto , Adam B. Cohen , Dale T. Miller
Journal of Personality 79 ( 4) 763 -792
Ariel Malka , Dale T. Miller
Journal of Personality 75 ( 1) 25 -42
Ariel Malka , Christopher J. Soto
Current Directions in Psychological Science 24 ( 2) 137 -142
Christopher M. Federico , Ariel Malka
Political Psychology 39 3 -48
Ariel Malka , Christopher J. Soto , Michael Inzlicht , Yphtach Lelkes
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 106 ( 6) 1031 -1051
Ariel Malka , Yphtach Lelkes
Social Justice Research 23 ( 2) 156 -188
Ariel Malka , Jon A. Krosnick , Gary Langer
Risk Analysis 29 ( 5) 633 -647
Ariel Malka ,
American Psychological Association 129 -153