Matteo Leonetti , Vladimir Lifschitz , Fangkai Yang , Peter Stone
international conference on automated planning and scheduling 472 -480
Luca Iocchi , Matteo Leonetti
adaptive agents and multi-agents systems 723 -730
Jivko Sinapov , Matteo Leonetti , Peter Stone , Sanmit Narvekar
adaptive agents and multi-agents systems 725 -733
Jivko Sinapov , Matteo Leonetti , Peter Stone , Sanmit Narvekar
adaptive agents and multi-agents systems 566 -574
Jivko Sinapov , Matteo Leonetti , Peter Stone , Maxwell Svetlik
national conference on artificial intelligence 2590 -2596
Matteo Leonetti , Mehmet R. Dogar , Wissam Bejjani
arXiv: Robotics
Matteo Leonetti , Mehmet R. Dogar , Rafael Papallas , Wissam Bejjani
arXiv: Robotics
Matteo Leonetti , Francesco Foglino , Christiano Coletto Christakou , Ricardo Luna Gutierrez
arXiv: Learning
Matteo Leonetti , Faisal Mushtaq , Anthony G. Cohn , Mohamed Hasan
arXiv: Robotics
Mohamed Hasan , Matthew Warburton , Wisdom C Agboh , Mehmet R Dogar
University of Leeds
Daniel Kudenko , Matteo Leonetti , Francesco Foglino , Andrea Bassich
arXiv: Learning
Matteo Leonetti , Bei Peng , Peter Stone , Matthew E. Taylor
Journal of Machine Learning Research 21 ( 181) 1 -50
Mohamed Hasan , Matthew Warburton , Wisdom C Agboh , Mehmet R Dogar
arXiv: Robotics
Matteo Leonetti , Wisdom C. Agboh , Mehmet Remzi Dogar , Wissam Bejjani
arXiv: Robotics
Elena De Momi , Bruno Scaglioni , Pietro Valdastri , Matteo Leonetti
IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics 3 ( 1) 53 -63
Matteo Leonetti , Mehmet Remzi Dogar , Wissam Bejjani
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 138 103730
Matteo Leonetti , Ricardo Luna Gutierrez
arXiv: Learning
Seyed Reza Ahmadzadeh , Matteo Leonetti , Arnau Carrera , Marc Carreras
international conference on robotics and automation 6522 -6528
Matteo Leonetti , Petar Kormushev , Simone Sagratella
Cybernetics and Information Technologies 12 ( 3) 53 -65
Piyush Khandelwal , Shiqi Zhang , Jivko Sinapov , Matteo Leonetti
The International Journal of Robotics Research 36 635 -659