Santosh Bhusal , Kapil Khanal , Shivam Goel , Manoj Karkee
Transactions of the ASABE 62 ( 2) 561 -569
Garrett Wilson , Christopher Pereyda , Nisha Raghunath , Gabriel de la Cruz
Cognitive Systems Research 54 258 -272
Shivam Goel , Santosh Bhusal , Matthew E Taylor , Manoj Karkee
2017 Spokane, Washington July 16 - July 19, 2017 1
Faizan Muhammad , Vasanth Sarathy , Gyan Tatiya , Shivam Goel
Smpte Journal 925 -933
Shivam Goel , Yash Shukla , Vasanth Sarathy , Matthias Scheutz
Smpte Journal 15 -22
Shivam Goel , Gyan Tatiya , Matthias Scheutz , Jivko Sinapov
Smpte Journal
Pierrick Lorang , Shivam Goel , Patrik Zips , Jivko Sinapov
Smpte Journal
Santosh Bhusal , Shivam Goel , Kapil Khanal , Matthew Taylor
2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting 1 -1
Shivam Goel , Panagiotis Lymperopoulos , Ravenna Thielstrom , Evan Krause
Artificial Intelligence 331 104111 -104111
Vasanth Sarathy , Daniel Kasenberg , Shivam Goel , Jivko Sinapov
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.13037
Shivam Goel , Yichen Wei , Panagiotis Lymperopoulos , Matthias Scheutz
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.03546
Yash Shukla , Bharat Kesari , Shivam Goel , Robert Wright
2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 7104 -7110
Pierrick Lorang , Shivam Goel , Yash Shukla , Patrik Zips
Shivam Goel
AAMAS 2743 -2745
Shivam Goel
IJCAI 6434 -6435
Shivam Goel
Washington State University
James Staley , Shivam Goel , Yash Shukla , Elaine Schaertl Short