Noah Wardrip-Fruin , Paulo Gomes , April Grow , Michael Mateas
foundations of digital games
Ray B. Jones , Andreas Walmsley , Gabriel Aguiar Noury , Swen E. Gaudl
Sensors 21 ( 9) 3111
Oliver Smith , Swen E. Gaudl
conference towards autonomous robotic systems 53 -57
Swen E. Gaudl , Joanna J. Bryson
Cognitive Systems Research 50 1 -9
Robert H. Wortham , Swen E. Gaudl , Joanna J. Bryson
Cognitive Systems Research 57 207 -215
Swen E Gaudl , Joseph Carter Osborn , Joanna J Bryson ,
portuguese conference on artificial intelligence 292 -297
Swen E. Gaudl , Mark J. Nelson , Simon Colton , Rob Saunders
Entertainment Computing 27 1 -9
Swen E. Gaudl , Joanna J. Bryson
computational intelligence and games 1 -8
Mark J. Nelson , Swen E. Gaudl , Simon Colton , Sebastian Deterding
foundations of digital games 61
Simon Colton , Mark J. Nelson , Edward J. Powley , Swen E. Gaudl
International Conference on Computational Creativity
Paul Watson , Swen E. Gaudl
International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (2021) 1 -1
Swen E. Gaudl
S. Gaudl , C. Woelfert
Frontier Computing. Theory, Technologies and Applications, 2010 IET International Conference on 405 -410
K P Jantke , S Gaudl
2010 2nd International IEEE Consumer Electronics Society's Games Innovations Conference 1 -8
Ray Jones , Rory Baxter , Marius N Varga , Oksana Hagen
S Gaudl , C Woelfert
J Fujima , S Gaudl
Oksana Hagen , Marius N Varga , Rory Baxter , Ray Jones
ICT4AWE 298 -303
Mark J Nelson , Swen E Gaudl , Simon Colton , Edward J Powley
International Conference on Computational Creativity 2017
Swen E Gaudl , Mark J Nelson , Simon Colton , Rob Saunders
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.01403