Lauren E Scissors , Darren Gergle
237 -248
Lauren E Scissors , Darren Gergle
Lauren E Scissors
Proceedings of the ACM 2010 conference on computer supported cooperative work
Lauren E. Scissors , Yoram M. Kalman , Darren Robert Gergle
Yoram M. Kalman , Lauren E. Scissors , Alastair J. Gill , Darren Gergle
Computers in Human Behavior 29 ( 3) 1260 -1269
Eli J. Finkel , Jeni L. Burnette , Lauren E. Scissors
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 92 ( 5) 871 -886
Lauren E. Scissors , Alastair J. Gill , Darren Gergle
Proceedings of the ACM 2008 conference on Computer supported cooperative work - CSCW '08 277 -280
Lauren E. Scissors , Michael E Roloff , Darren Gergle
human factors in computing systems 3953 -3962
Molly E. Ireland , Richard B. Slatcher , Paul W. Eastwick , Lauren E. Scissors
Psychological Science 22 ( 1) 39 -44
Lauren E. Scissors , Alastair J. Gill , Kathleen Geraghty , Darren Gergle
human factors in computing systems 527 -536
Lauren Scissors
Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer supported cooperative work companion - CSCW '13 81 -84
Lauren Scissors , Moira Burke , Steven Wengrovitz
conference on computer supported cooperative work 1501 -1510
Lauren Scissors , Darren Gergle
conference on computer supported cooperative work 383 -393
Lauren Scissors , N. Sadat Shami , Tatsuya Ishihara , Steven Rohall
Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '11 1119 -1128
Lauren Scissors
2627 -2632