Carlo Schuengel , Paula Sterkenburg , W. Van den Noortgate , B. Maes
International Attachment Conference: Science & Practice Over the Lifespan
P. Sterkenburg , W. Van den Noortgate , B. Maes , G. Bosmans
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 63 ( 7) 741 -741
K. Wauters , P. Desmet , W. Van den Noortgate
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 26 ( 6) 549 -562
E. Van Assche , E. Vangeel , K. Freson , K. Van Leeuwen
European Psychiatry 41
M. Heyvaert , B. Maes , W. Van den Noortgate , S. Kuppens
Research in Developmental Disabilities 33 ( 2) 766 -780
B.R.H. Van den Bergh , W. Van den Noortgate , M. Braeken , L. Lagae
Early Human Development 83 122 -122
Fabian S Tibaldi , Geert Verbeke , Geert Molenberghs , Didier Renard
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 60 ( 2) 351 -365
Wim Noortgate , Patrick Onghena
Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online
Xu Xu , Wilfried Cools , Wim Noortgate , Patrick Onghena
Behavior Research Methods 41 ( 1) 154 -162
Wim Noortgate , Karine Verschueren , Karla Van Leeuwen
Kelly Wauters , Piet Desmet , Wim van den Noortgate
artificial intelligence in education 200 785 -786
Joke Torbeyns , Wim van den Noortgate , Pol Ghesquière , Lieven Verschaffel
Educational Research and Evaluation 8 ( 3) 249 -275
Barbara de Clercq , Karla van Leeuwen , Wim van den Noortgate , Marleen de Bolle
Development and Psychopathology 21 ( 3) 853 -869
Stefanie A. Nelemans , Evelien van Assche , Patricia Bijttebier , Hilde Colpin
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 47 ( 7) 1107 -1120
Luis Alberto Pinos Ullauri , Alexis Lebis , Abir Karami , Mathieu Vermeulen
EIAH2023: 11ème Conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain 344 -347
Luis Alberto Pinos Ullauri , Anthony Fleury , Wim van den Noortgate , Alexis Lebis
2023 AERA Annual Meeting
Danneel , Colpin , Goossens , Engels
Merrill-palmer Quarterly 65 ( 2) 158 -182
Kelly Wauters , Piet Desmet , Wim Van Noortgate
Educational Data Mining 2011
Melisse Houbrechts , Bien Cuyvers , Luc Goossens , Patricia Bijttebier
Attachment & Human Development 25 ( 1) 104 -116