M. Di Luca , Marc O. Ernst , T-K Machulla
Perception 36 209 -209
M. Di Luca , T. K. Machulla , M. O. Ernst
Journal of Vision 9 ( 12) 1 -16
T.-K. Machulla , M. Di Luca , M. O. Ernst
Journal of Vision 10 ( 7) 1414 -1414
T Machulla , M Di Luca , Marc O. Ernst
International Intersensory Research Symposium 2007: Perception and Action 15
T Machulla , M Di Luca , Marc O. Ernst
1st Peach Summer School 36 -37
PW Battaglia , M Di Luca , MO Ernst , PR Schrater
Peter W. Battaglia , Massimiliano Di Luca , Marc O. Ernst , Paul R. Schrater
PLoS Computational Biology 6 ( 3) e1000697 -10
Lauren Thevin , Tonja Machulla
2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) 523 -524
Alexandra Voit , Tonja Machulla , Dominik Weber , Valentin Schwind
human computer interaction with mobile devices and services 942 -947
Matthias Hoppe , Pascal Knierim , Thomas Kosch , Markus Funk
mobile and ubiquitous multimedia 7 -18
Miriam Greis , Emre Avci , Albrecht Schmidt , Tonja Machulla
human factors in computing systems 828 -840
Sarah Faltaous , Tonja Machulla , Martin Baumann , Lewis Chuang
automotive user interfaces and interactive vehicular applications 67 -71
Passant El Agroudy , Tonja Machulla , Rufat Rzayev , Tilman Dingler
ubiquitous computing 1014 -1019
Miriam Greis , Passant El. Agroudy , Hendrik Schuff , Tonja Machulla
nordic conference on human-computer interaction 52
Felix Dietz , Matthias Hoppe , Jakob Karolus , Paweł W. Wozniak
human factors in computing systems 1 -4
Florian Lang , Albrecht Schmidt , Tonja Machulla
international conference on computers helping people with special needs 146 -156
Lauren Thevin , Tonja Machulla
international conference on computers helping people with special needs 12376 164 -175
Stefan Schneegass , Romina Poguntke , Tonja Machulla
human factors in computing systems 523
Miriam Greis , Aditi Joshi , Ken Singer , Albrecht Schmidt
human factors in computing systems 505
Mauro Avila Sota , Alexandra Voit , Ahmed Shereen Hassan , Albrecht Schmidt
conference on computers and accessibility 423 -425