Steven Stanley Smith
(No Title)
Steven S Smith , Hong Min Park , Ryan J Vander Wielen
Anthony G Comuzzie , Lorena M Havill , Genesio M Karere , Kimberly D Spradling
Samuel Kernell , Steven S Smith
CQ Press
Forrest Maltzman , Steven S Smith
Legislative Studies Quarterly 19 ( 4) 457 -476
Eric D Lawrence , Forrest Maltzman , Steven S Smith
Eric D Lawrence , Forrest Maltzman , Steven S Smith
annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC
Michael J Nelson , Steven S Smith
Unpublished Manuscript
Steven M Fazzari , Stanley Feldman , Cindy D Kam , Steven S Smith
annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago
Steven S Smith , Eric D Lawrence
Congress reconsidered 6 164 -192
Betsy Sinclair , Steven S Smith , Michelle Torres , Patrick D Tucker
Retrieved July 15 2018 -2018
Betsy Sinclair , Steven S Smith , Patrick Tucker
USApp-American Politics and Policy Blog
Jennifer Nicoll Victor , Steven S Smith , Randall Calvert
Michelle Torres , Steven S Smith
American Politics Research 46 ( 2) 308 -335
Patrick D Tucker , Steven S Smith
Political Behavior 43 1639 -1661
Jonathan Rapkin , Steven S Smith , Patrick Tucker
Education 9 ( 03) 11 -11
Jacob M Montgomery , Steven S Smith , Patrick D Tucker
Patrick Tucker , Patrick Rickert , Steven S Smith , Steven Fazzari
Patrick D Tucker , Steven S Smith
Steven S Smith
Brookings Institution 46 -46