P.F. Pires , M.R.F. Benevides , M. Mattoso
symposium on applications and the internet 344 -347
F.M. Ferreira , C.M. Freire , M.R.F. Benevides , L. Menasché Schechter
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 80 ( 6) 1087 -1101
Journal of Logic and Computation 2 ( 1) 31 -50
M. R. F. Benevides , O. Rodrigues
M. R. F. Benevides , L. M. Schechter
Journal of Logic and Computation 24 ( 4) 919 -951
M. R. F. Benevides , L. M. Schechter
Logic Journal of The Igpl \/ Bulletin of The Igpl 17 ( 5) 559 -587
P. A. S. Veloso , S. R. M. Veloso , M. R. F. Benevides
Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 ( 5) 737 -757
V. C. Barbosa , M. R. F. Benevides , F. M. G. França
Theory of Computing Systems \/ Mathematical Systems Theory 34 ( 1) 13 -26
P. A. S. Veloso , S. R. M. Veloso , P. Viana , R. d. Freitas
Logic Journal of the IGPL 18 ( 3) 381 -402
B. Lopes , M. Benevides , E. H. Haeusler
Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 ( 5) 721 -736
Paulo F. Pires , Mário Roberto F. Benevides , Marta Mattoso
acm symposium on applied computing 389 -397
J Astola , I Shmulevich , NC Audsley , VC Barbosa
Information Processing Letters 79 303 -304
K Aardal , FA Chudak , DB Shmoys , M Abellanas
Information Processing Letters 80 333 -342
Imperial College of Science , Technology , and Medicine (Great Britain). Department of Computing , MRF Benevides
PF Pires , MRF Benevides , M Mattoso
Springer, Berlin 59 -72
MRF Benevides , PAS Veloso
XII Encontro Brasileiro de Lógica 25 87 -94
Paulo F Pires , Marta Mattoso , Mário RF Benevides
Logic, Sets and Information: Proceedings of the Tenth Brazilian Conference on Mathematical Logic 14 25 -25
Mario Benevides , Carla Delgado , Renata P. de Freitas , Paulo A. S. Veloso
Advances in Artificial Intelligence – SBIA 2004 1 -10
Mario Benevides , Carla Delgado , Michel Carlini
brazilian symposium on artificial intelligence 134 -144