Ilka Philippow , Ghulam Rasool , Patrick Maeder
Software Engineering Research and Practice 154 -160
Jane Cleland-Huang , Jin L. C. Guo , Patrick Maeder , Michael Rath
arXiv: Software Engineering
Patrick Maeder , Ilka Philippow , Matthias Riebisch
Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2007) 2 507 -511
Mohamed-Elamir Mohamed , Heinrich Gotzig , Raoul Zoellner , Patrick Maeder
2019 IEEE 89th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Spring) 1 -6
Ghulam Rasool , Patrick Maeder , Ilka Philippow
Procedia Computer Science 3 813 -819
Jane Cleland-Huang , Mats Heimdahl , Jane Huffman Hayes , Robyn Lutz
requirements engineering foundation for software quality 179 -193
Jane Cleland-Huang , Youghee Shin , Andrea Zisman , Giuliano Antoniol
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Traceability in Emerging Forms of Software Engineering 17 -23
Mohamed Elamir Mohamed , Heinrich Gotzig , Raoul Zoellner , Patrick Maeder
internaltional ultrasonics symposium
Martin Simon , Kai Fischer , Stefan Milz , Christian Witt
arXiv e-prints arXiv: 2002.03983 -arXiv: 2002.03983
Eric Knauss , Angelo Susi , David Ameller , Daniel M Berry 1796
Patrick Maeder , Matthias Riebisch , Ilka Philippow
SEDE 1 -8
Sambit Mohapatra , Mona Hodaei , Senthil Yogamani , Stefan Milz
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.04875
Tom Reinhold , Marco Seeland , Martin Grabmann , Christian Paintz
ANALOG 2020; 17th ITG/GMM-Symposium 1 -6
M Monteiro , Patrick Maeder
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Grand Challenges in Traceability (GCT'07) 22 23 -23
Henning Franke , Paul Kucera , Julian Kuners , Tom Reinhold
SMACD/PRIME 2021; International Conference on SMACD and 16th Conference on PRIME 1 -4
Sambit Mohapatra , Thomas Mesquida , Mona Hodaei , Senthil Yogamani
2022 8th International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication, and Signal Processing (EBCCSP) 1 -5
Heinrich Gotzig , Mohamed-Elamir Mohamed , Raoul Zoellner , Patrick Maeder
AmE 2022-Automotive meets Electronics; 13. GMM-Symposium 1 -2
Mohamed Shawki Elamir , Heinrich Gotzig , Raoul Zoellner , Patrick Maeder
International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering 16 ( 8) 202 -205
Mohamed Shawki Elamir , Heinrich Gotzig , Raoul Zoellner , Patrick Maeder
arXiv e-prints arXiv: 2202.12684 -arXiv: 2202.12684
Patrick Maeder , Ilka Philippow , Matthias Riebisch