Humberto Bustince , Daniel Paternain , Gleb Beliakov , Michal Baczynski
soft computing 22 347 -371
Daniel Paternain , Gleb Beliakov , Javier Fernandez , Humberto Bustince
XV Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy ESTYLF 2010: Huelva [Recurso electrónico], 2010, ISBN 978-84-92944-02-6, págs. 315-320 315 -319
Humberto Bustince , Daniel Paternain , Javier Fernández , Jose Antonio Sanz
Actas de las XXII JENUI 43 -49
Daniel Paternain , Jose Sanz , Mikel Galar , Miguel Pagola
Actas de las XXII JENUI 137 -144
Ronald R. Yager , Humberto Bustince , Daniel Paternain , Jana Špirková
Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 40 ( 3) 4535 -4544
Humberto Bustince , Daniel Paternain , Gustavo Ochoa , Irene Díaz
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 36 ( 5) 2208 -2228
Ronald R. Yager , Humberto Bustince , Daniel Paternain , Jana Špirkovà
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 36 ( 5) 2367 -2386
Aranzazu Jurio , Daniel Paternain , Miguel Pagola , Humberto Bustince
Springer, Cham 195 -208
Benjamin Bedregal , Regivan H.N. Santiago , Humberto Bustince , Daniel Paternain
Journal of intelligent systems 29 ( 6) 525 -543
Chen Zhu , LeSheng Jin , Radko Mesiar , Ronald R. Yager
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 34 ( 11) 3046 -3057
Humberto Bustince , Radko Mesiar , Javier Fernandez , Mikel Galar
IPMU (2) 565 -573
Daniel Paternain , Aranzazu Jurio , Gleb Beliakov
2012 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems 1 -7
Aranzazu Jurio , Daniel Paternain , Radko Mesiar , Anna Kolesarova
ieee international conference on fuzzy systems 1 -8
Ivan Mezzomo , Benjamin C. Bedregal , Renata H.S. Reiser , Humberto Bustince
ieee international conference on fuzzy systems 301 -307
Daniel Paternain , Aranzazu Jurio , Humberto Bustince , Maria Jesus Campion
ieee international conference on fuzzy systems 1 -5
Daniel Paternain , LeSheng Jin , Radko Mesiar , Lucia Vavrikova
ieee international conference on fuzzy systems 1 -5
Jose Antonio Sanz , Armando M Fernandes , Edurne Barrenechea , Severiano Silva
Journal of Food Engineering 174 92 -100
Iris Dominguez-Catena , Daniel Paternain , Mikel Galar
International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 1023 -1030
Daniel Paternain , Graçaliz Dimuro , Maria Jose Asiain , Humberto Bustince
Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems 353 -362
Daniel Paternain , Gustavo Ochoa , Inmaculada Lizasoain , Edurne Barrenechea
Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems 624 -634