Christian Rehtanz , Ulf Häger , Olav Krause , Sebatian Lehnhoff
4th International Conference on Liberalization and Modernization of Power Systems 1 -8
Jörg Bremera , Sebastian Lehnhoffa
Horst F Wedde , SEBASTIAN Lehnhoff , EDMUND Handschin , OLAV Krause
University of Dortmund
M Büscher , S Scherfke , C Steinbrink , S Rohjansand S Lehnhoff
RTLabOS D4. 2 24 -24
Horst F Wedde , Sebastian Lehnhoff , Edmund Handschin , Olav Krause
ENVIROINFO 2007: Environmental Informatics Meets Systems Research. The 21st International Conference on "Informatics for Environmental Protection" 1 601 -610
Christian Rehtanz , Sebastian Lehnhoff , Ulf Häger , Olav Krause
GI Jahrestagung (1) 461 -466
Christian Rehtanz , Edmund Handschin , Horst F Wedde , Olav Krause
VDE-ETG-Kongress 2007 167 -172
Olav Krause , Sebastian Lehnhoff , Christian Rehtanz , Die Koordination dezentraler Erzeugungsanlagen
Von Smart Grids zu Smart Markets 2015
Sebastian Lehnhoff , Olav Krause
australasian universities power engineering conference 1 -6
Olav Krause , Sebastian Lehnhoff , Christian Rehtanz , E Handschin
power systems computation conference
Sebastian Lehnhoff , Michael Sonnenschein , Christian Hinrichs
international conference on agents and artificial intelligence 25 -34
Hans-Jürgen Appelrath , Sebastian Lehnhoff , Martin Tröschel , Sabrina-Cynthia Schnabel
EnviroInfo 741 -746
Sebastian Lehnhoff , Michael Sonnenschein , Jörg Bremer , Hendrik Buhl
GI-Jahrestagung 1937 -1948
Merkebu Z. Degefa , Kai Heussen , Sebastian Lehnhoff , Peter Palensky
2018 Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems (MSCPES) 1 -7
Jan Sören Schwarz , Sebastian Lehnhoff , P Cimiano , O Corby
EKAW (Posters & Demos) 21 -24
Astrid Nieße , Sebastian Lehnhoff
SysRisk@Wirtschaftsinformatik 38 -40
Christian Rehtanz , Sebastian Lehnhoff , Bengt Lüers , Fabian Erlemeyer
Irina Oleinikova , Emil Hillberg , Kjetil Uhlen , Hjalmar Pihl
Sebastian Lehnhoff , Jan Sören Schwarz , Rebeca P. Ramírez Acosta , Rami Elshinawy
international joint conference on knowledge discovery, knowledge engineering and knowledge management 283 -301
Sebastian Lehnhoff , Frauke Oest , Stefanie Holly , Marita Blank-Babazadeh
Energies 14 ( 5) 1226