Marie-Christine Gosselin , Andreas Christ , Sven KÜhn , Niels Kuster
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 51 ( 2) 227 -235
Marie-Christine GOSSELIN , Sven K^|^Uuml;HN , Andreas CHRIST , Marcel ZEFFERER
IEICE Transactions on Communications 95 ( 10) 3215 -3224
Niels Kuster , Beyhan Kochali , Peter Sepan , Sven Kühn
international symposium on electromagnetic compatibility 513 -516
Niels Kuster , Beyhan Kochali , Sven Kühn
international symposium on electromagnetic compatibility 666 -669
Martin Röösli , Marie-Christine Gosselin , Evelyn Mohler , Patrizia Frei
Meeting of the European BioElectromagnetics Association 2010
Kjell Hansson Mild , Niels Kuster , Amir Melzer , Myles Capstick
EU Meeting: Occupational Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: Paving the Way for a Future EU Initiative
Ilaria Liorni , Esra Neufeld , Sven Kühn , Manuel Murbach
Physics in Medicine and Biology 63 ( 22) 225015
Andreas Karampatzakis , Sven Kühn , George Tsanidis , Esra Neufeld
Physics in Medicine and Biology 58 ( 10) 3191 -3206
Marie-Christine Gosselin , Sven Kühn , Niels Kuster
Physics in Medicine and Biology 58 ( 23) 8339 -8357
Sven Kühn , Eugenia Cabot , Andreas Christ , Myles Capstick
Physics in Medicine and Biology 54 ( 18) 5493 -5508
Sven Kühn , Wayne Jennings , Andreas Christ , Niels Kuster
Physics in Medicine and Biology 54 ( 4) 875 -890
Andreas Christ , Marie-Christine Gosselin , Maria Christopoulou , Sven Kühn
Physics in Medicine and Biology 55 ( 7) 1767 -1783
Andreas Christ , Marie-Christine Gosselin , Sven Kühn , Niels Kuster
Bioelectromagnetics 31 ( 5) 406 -412
Marie-Christine Gosselin , Sven Kühn , Pedro Crespo-Valero , Emilio Cherubini
Bioelectromagnetics 32 ( 6) 493 -505
Hugo Lehmann , Laurent Pollara , Sonja Spichtig , Sven Kühn
Bioelectromagnetics 33 ( 2) 124 -133
Jagadish Nadakuduti , Mark Douglas , Myles Capstick , Sven Kühn
Bioelectromagnetics 33 ( 2) 166 -175
Michael A Kelsh , Mona Shum , Asher R Sheppard , Mark Mcneely
Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 21 ( 4) 343 -354
Gregor Dürrenberger , Alfred Bürgi , Patrizia Frei , Jürg Fröhlich
ETH Zurich
Oliver Lauer , Martin Röösli , Patrizia Frei , Evelyn Mohler
The Bioelectromagnetics Society 32nd Annual Meeting
Marie-Christine Gosselin , Andreas Christ , Manuel Murbach , Salome Ryf
XXIX Gen. Assem. Int. Union Radio Sci.(URSI). Chicago, Illinois, August 7 -16