The storage of carbon in Holocene deposits in the Netherlands

H. Middelkoop , G. Erkens , M. van der Meulen
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 14 5474

De keerzijde van ons klimaat

H. Middelkoop , J.G. De Ronde , C. Schuurmans , J. Oerlemans

Metal inventory of the floodplain of the mining-impacted Geul River, The Netherlands

H. Middelkoop , V. Arribas Arcos , L. Miguel Alaya , M. van der Perk
Geophysical Research Abstracts 13

Historical land use caused carbon release in the Dutch coastal peatlands

H. Middelkoop , G. Erkens , M. van der Meulen
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 12 12386

Implementation of temporal relationships in knowledge based classification of satellite images.

H. Middelkoop , L.L.F. Janssen
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 57 ( 7) 937 -945

Dijkverlegging Westenholte te Zwolle. Advies voor richtlijnen voor het milieueffectrapport

H. Middelkoop , R.S.E.W. Leuven , L. van Rijn-Vellekoop , K.A.A. van der Spek

100 years of mapping the Holocene Rhine-Meuse delta plain: combining research and teaching

H. Middelkoop , E. Stouthamer , W. Z. Hoek , K. M. Cohen
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 14 1 -1

Impact of river management strategies on the ecological functioning of the lower Rhine floodplains

H. Middelkoop , R.S.E.W. Leuven , A.M. Schipper , C. Van den Brink
Os, A.G. Van (ed.), Proceedings NCR-days 2007 64 -65

Biogeomorphological interactions within floodplains and their role in sediment transport and ecological transformation processes in the lower rhine delta

H. Middelkoop , R.S.E.W. Leuven , A.M. Schipper , C.C. Van den Brink
Geesthacht : Helmholz-Zentrum Geesthacht

Decadal to century‐scale sediment dynamics in the Rhine delta

H. Middelkoop , M.G. Kleinhans , B. Makaske , N. Hobo
International Conference on the Status and Future of the World’s Large Rivers, Conference Abstract Book 130 -130

Uncertainty in biogeomorphological assessments of lowland river floodplains resulting from landcover classification errors

H. Middelkoop , R. Leuven , A. Schipper , M. van der Perk
NCR-days 2011; Controlling the Dutch Rivers - Book of Abstracts 49 -50

Learning from a History of Futures: 60 Years of Scenario use for Water Management in the Netherlands

H. Middelkoop , M. Haasnoot
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 14 2927

The Rhine Delta: unravelling its 8000-yr history of sediment trapping

H. Middelkoop , G. Erkens , N. Hobo , M. van der Perk
Conference Abstract Book 122 -122

A 400-year discharge record of Lower Rhine floods, based on the sedimentary characteristics of flood deposits

H. Middelkoop , T.G. Winkels , F.P.M. Bunnik , K.M. Cohen
Conference Programme & Abstract Volume, 10th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology 237 -237

Flood dynamics and fish recruitment in a large-scale temperate floodplain

H. Middelkoop , J.J. de Leeuw , K. Górski , H.V. Winter
International conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, Vienna, Austria, 11-14 April 2011 220 -220

Wat wil de rivier zelf eigenlijk

H. Middelkoop , M.G. Kleinhans , K.M. Cohen , F. Klijn
Deltares Report 1 -50