Medical Image Analysis 12 ( 4) 427 -441
Olivier Commowick , Grégoire Malandain
Proceedings of the SA2PM Workshop (From Statistical Atlases to Personalized Models)
Olivier Commowick , Elise Bannier , Christian Barillot , Lucas Soustelle
Olivier Commowick , Elise Bannier , Christian Barillot , Lucas Soustelle
Olivier Commowick , Grégoire Malandain , Vincent Garcia
Grand Challenges in Medical Image Analysis (MICCAI workshop) 1 -10
Olivier Commowick , Nicholas Ayache , Xavier Pennec , Vincent Arsigny
1st MICCAI Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy: Geometrical, Statistical and Registration Methods for Modeling Biological Shape Variability 14 -15
Aymeric Stamm , Benoit Scherrer , Stefano Baraldo , Olivier Commowick
ISMRM 2623
Olivier Commowick , Tom Vercauteren , Xavier Pennec , Irina Vidal-Migallón
Insight Journal (ITK) 16
Olivier Commowick , Romuald Seizeur , Patrick Pérez , Nicolas Wiest-Daesslé
MICCAI 2011 Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI (CDMRI'11) 150 -157
Aymeric Stamm , Benoit Scherrer , Olivier Commowick , Christian Barillot
ISMRM 2629
Laurence Catanese , Christian Barillot , Olivier Commowick
ISBI Longitudinal Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation Challenge
Simone Vantini , Olivier Commowick , Simon Keith Warfield , Aymeric Stamm
48th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society
Jean-Philippe Ranjeva , Marie-Pierre Chaunu , Rebecca Pruss , Valerie Cuvier
Neurology 84
Fang Cao , Elise Bannier , Christian Barillot , Olivier Commowick
MICCAI Workshop on Intelligent Imaging Linking MR Acquisition and Processing 16 -23
Olivier Commowick , Patrick Pérez , Christian Barillot , Aymeric Stamm
MICCAI 2013 DTI Tractography Challenge on Peritumoral White Matter Anatomy for Neurosurgical Decision-Making 43 -53
Olivier Commowick , Christian Barillot , Jeremy Beaumont
Proceedings of the 1st MICCAI Challenge on Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Segmentation Challenge Using a Data Management and Processing Infrastructure - MICCAI-MSSEG
Isabelle Corouge , Olivier Commowick , Elise Bannier , Christian Barillot
MICCAI Workshop on MAnagement and Processing of images for Population ImagiNG 23 -30
Olivier Commowick , Frédéric Cervenansky , Roxana Ameli ,
medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention
Romuald Seizeur , Patrick Pérez , Nicolas Wiest-Daesslé , Christian Barillot
MICCAI 2011 DTI Tractography Challenge Workshop 18 -24
Olivier Commowick , Christian Barillot , Jeremy Beaumont
Proceedings of the 1st MICCAI Challenge on Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Segmentation Challenge Using a Data Management and Processing Infrastructure – MICCAI-MSSEG 1 -8