Non-structural carbohydrate pools in vegetative organs of two tropical palms: The coconut and the oil palms

Michaël Dingkuhn , Isabelle Mialet-Serra , Sandrine Legros , Christophe Jourdan
International Symposium on the Biology of the Palm Family, Montpellier, France, 05-07 May 2010

Modèles de fonctionnement et de prévision du rendement de cultures pérennes tropicales

Olivier Roupsard , Michaël Dingkuhn , Emmanuelle Lamade , Isabelle Mialet-Serra
Premières Rencontres d'Ecophysiologie de l'Arbre, Autrans (Vercors), 16-19 janvier 2001

Adaptations physiologiques à la toxicité ferreuse

Michaël Dingkuhn , Alain Audebert , Kanwar L. Sahrawat

Models of physiological stresses for agricultural systems

Michaël Dingkuhn
One world research for a better quality of life. Conference on International Agricultural Research for Development, Bonn, Germany, October 9-11, 2001

Formalizing vegetation Clumping and water depth dynamic in a crop growth model applied to irrigated rice : toward a better estimation of crop radiation interception at early stages

Michaël Dingkuhn , Alain Audebert , Delphine Luquet , Jean Dauzat
VIII ESA congress, 11-15 July 2004, Copenhagen, Denmark: European agriculture in a global context. Book of proceedings

IRC14-0484-Field scale high throughput phenotyping for gene discovery and agronomic improvement

Michaël Dingkuhn , P. Tanger , M. Baraoidan , J. McKay
4th International Rice Congress (IRC 2014): Rice for the World, 27 October - 1 November 2014, Bangkok, Thailand

Identification and lipase-producing abilities of moulds isolated from ivorian raw cocoa beans

Michaël Dingkuhn , Emile Cros , Guy Moulin , Tagro Simplice Guehi
Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences

Opportunity in change: key crops rice and sorghum

Michaël Dingkuhn
International Conference on Crop improvement, Ideotyping, and Modelling for African Cropping Systems under Climate Change - CIMAC, University of Hohenheim, 7-9 February 2011 : Book of abstracts

Transformation des systèmes de culture rizicoles inondés en systèmes hydromorphes : des économies potentielles d'eau pour les petits aménagements de la zone de savane Ouest-africaine

Michaël Dingkuhn , Nick Van De Giesen , Euloge Kossi Agbossou , A. Sow
Aménagement et mise en valeur des bas-fonds au Mali. Bilan et perspectives nationales, intérêt pour la zone de savane Ouest-africaine : Actes

Les productions végétales

Michaël Dingkuhn , Jean Michel Legave , Philippe Gate , Edward Gérardeaux
S'adapter au changement climatique : agriculture, écosystèmes et territoires

Phenotyping of sorghum photoperiod responses using heuristics

Michaël Dingkuhn , Michel Vaksmann , Jacques Chantereau , Mamoutou Kouressy
Whole plant physiology modelling project. Final meeting proceedings, 4-7 february 2008, Johnston, Iowa (USA)

RIDEV : un modèle de développement du riz pour le choix des variétés et des calendriers

Michaël Dingkuhn , Jean Christophe Poussin , Pierre-Yves Le Gal
Nianga, laboratoire de l'agriculture irriguée en moyenne vallée du Sénégal

In situ starch localisation in Cocos nucifera L. and Elaeis guineensis Jacq.: The major reserve carbohydrate in these Arecaceae or not ?

Michaël Dingkuhn , Murielle Croisetu , Jacques Escoute , Thomas Fougerolles
Palms 2010, Biology of the palm family (Abstracts books) : International Symposium 5-7 May 2010, Montpellier, France

Study on the origin of lipolytic activity involved in free fatty acid formation in cocoa beans

Michaël Dingkuhn , Gérard Fourny , Anne Clément-Vidal , Emile Cros
14th International Cocoa Research Conference, 13-18 October 2003, Accra, Ghana

Des scénarios pour l'agriculture sahélienne

Michaël Dingkuhn , Christian Baron , Benoit Sarr

Computation of daily PAR interception on simplified 3D crop representations to relate main vegetation structural characteristics to a generic clumping function toward an application in rice crop growth model

Michaël Dingkuhn , Delphine Luquet , Jean Dauzat
Proceedings of the 4th International workshop on functional-structural plant models (FSPM), abstracts of papers and posters, 7-11 June 2004, Montpellier, France

Mapping QTL involved in rice early morphogenesis as described by the process based parameters of EcoMeristem model

Michaël Dingkuhn , Delphine Luquet , Brigitte Courtois , Nourollah Ahmadi
Whole plant physiology modelling project. Final meeting proceedings, 4-7 february 2008, Johnston, Iowa (USA)