A Nilsson-Ehle , R. Ortengren , Gunilla Carlsson , Hans Norin
American Association for Automotive Medicine quarterly jurnal 7 ( 3) 25 -30
T.P. Andriacchi , G.B.J. Andersson , R. Ortengren , R. Mikosz
Journal of Biomechanics 16 ( 4) 295 -296
G. Hultman , M. Nordin , R. Ortengren
Applied Ergonomics 15 ( 2) 127 -133
G B J Andersson , R Örtengren , A Nachemeson
Engineering in medicine 11 ( 4) 189 -190
J Laring , M Forsman , R Kadefors , R Örtengren
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 30 ( 3) 135 -148
G Parenmark , A.-K Malmkvist , R Örtengren
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 11 ( 4) 291 -300
H Broman , R Magnusson , I Petersen , R Örtengren
Karger Publishers 1 656 -664
R Örtengren
Design for manufacturability–A systems approach to concurrent engineering and ergonomics. Taylor & Francis, London, Great Britain 107 -124
A Keyvani , D Lämkull , G Bolmsjö , R Örtengren
Considerations for Aggregation of Motion-Captured Files in Structured Databases for DHM Applications
R Örtengren , A Sundin
NES2007 171 -171
GBJ Andersson , R Örtengren , AB Schultz , AL Nachemson
Proceedings 1 274 -274
AB Schultz , GBJ Andersson , R Örtengren , AL Nachemson
Advances in Bioengineering 2 55 -55
Nordstedts Forlag , A Kilbom , F Gamberale , J Persson
Operator Functional State Assessment 57 336 -347
D Lämkull , R Örtengren , L Malmsköld , VG Duffy
Handbook of Digital Human Modeling. Taylor and Francis, USA 42.1 -42.17
Duck Young Kim , Franz Dietrich , Jian Zhang , Björn Johansson
Ortengren R , Broman H , Andersson Bj , Elfström G
Orthopedic Clinics of North America 6 ( 1) 105 -120
Ortengren R , Petersén I , Kadefors R , Lindström L
Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine. Supplement 6 75 -93
Jonsson B , Ortengren R , Andersson Bj
Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine. Supplement 3 91 -108
Andersson Bj , Ortengren R
Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine. Supplement 3 73 -90
R Ortengren , G Andersson , A Nachemson
Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine. Supplement 6 173 -181