Santoshkumar Shrivastava
S. Kumar Shrivastava , J.-P. Banatre
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering SE-4 ( 3) 230 -241
Graham D. Parrington , Graeme N. Dixon , Santosh K. Shrivastava
international workshop on persistent object systems 246 -265
Santosh K. Shrivastava
Software-Fehlertoleranz und -Zuverlässigkeit 99 -104
Santosh K. Shrivastava
Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems 155 -162
Paul D. Ezhilchelvan , Raimundo Macedo , Santosh K. Shrivastava
University of Bologna
Steve J. Caughey , Santosh K. Shrivastava
Santosh K. Shrivastava
international symposium on distributed computing 20 -21
Paul D. Ezhilchelvan , Santosh K. Shrivastava
2nd IFIP TC11 WG 10.4 International Working Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical Applications (DCCA-2) 67 -91
Giuseppe Pappalardo , Santosh K. Shrivastava
Systems, Proceedings of a Symposium on Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems 209 -227
Santosh K. Shrivastava , Stuart M. Wheater
acm sigops european workshop 74 -81
Santosh K. Shrivastava
Operating Systems Review 28 ( 4) 11 -14
Iain Houston , Mark C. Little , Ian Robinson , Santosh K. Shrivastava
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 197 -215
Santosh K. Shrivastava , Luigi V. Mancini , Brian Randell
Software - Practice and Experience 23 ( 7) 773 -798
Daniel L. McCue , Santosh K. Shrivastava
acm sigops european workshop 1 -4
Santosh K. Shrivastava
International Journal of Parallel Programming 4 ( 2) 151 -169
Graham D. Parrington , Santosh K. Shrivastava
european conference on object-oriented programming 322 233 -249
Santosh K. Shrivastava
Smpte Journal
Santosh K. Shrivastava
Computing Laboratory Technical Report Series
M. C. Little , S. K. Shrivastava
high performance transaction systems workshop