Magnus Borga , Hans Knutsson , Joakim Rydell
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) 13th Scientific meeting and Exhibition, Miami, Florida, USA, 7-13 May 2005
Jouni Rantakokko , Erika Emilsson , Joakim Rydell , Peter Händel
Precision Indoor Personnel Location and Tracking Technology Workshop, Worcester, 1-Aug-2011
Joakim Rydell
Institutionen för systemteknik
Magnus Borga , Hans Knutsson , Joakim Rydell
NBC'05 13th Nordic Baltic Conference Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, Umeå, Sweden, June 13th - 17th 193 -194
Jouni Rantakokko , Erika Emilsson , Joakim Rydell
TAMSEC 2013, National Symposium on Technology and Methodology for Security and Crisis Management, Kistamässan 13-14 november 2013
Sara Linder , Peter Händel , Sven-Lennart Wirkander , Isaac Skog
Precision Indoor Personnel Location and Tracking for Emergency Responders Technology Workshop. Worcester, MA. August 3-4 2009
Magnus Borga , Hans Knutsson , Joakim Rydell
ESMRMB 2006 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, September 21-23, 2006
Olof Dahlqvist Leinhard , Örjan Smedby , Fredrik H. Nyström , Magnus Borga
ISMRM Annual Meeting (ISMRM'09), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 18-24 April, 2009 206
Magnus Borga , Hans Knutsson , Joakim Rydell
SSBA 2006 Symposium on Image Analysis, Umeå 16-17 mars 2006 53 -56
Magnus Borga , Hans Knutsson , Joakim Rydell , Peter Lundberg
SSBA 2004 Symposium on Image Analysis, Uppsala, Sweden, 11-12 March 2004 90 -93
Anders Ynnerman , Hans Knutsson , Joakim Rydell , Henrik Ohlsson
SSBA Symposium on Image Analysis, 18-20 March, Halmstad, Sweden, 2009
Magnus Borga , Hans Knutsson , Joakim Rydell
SSBA 2005 Symposium on Image Analysis, Malmö, Sweden, 10-11 March 2005 85 -88
Olof Dahlqvist Leinhard , Magnus Borga , Hans Knutsson , Joakim Rydell
27 -30
Magnus Borga , Hans Knutsson , Joakim Rydell
SSBA 2006 Symposium on Image Analysis, Umeå 16-17 mars 2006 77 -80
Jouni Rantakokko , Erika Emilsson , Joakim Rydell , John-Olof Nilsson
TAMSEC 2013, Kistamässan 13-14 november 2013
Joakim Rydell , Jorgen Ahlberg , Maria Andersson
international conference on information fusion 396 -403
Joakim Rydell , Erika Bilock
Proceedings of the 2015 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation 768 -777
Joakim Rydell , Christina Grönwall , Rantakokko Jouni
Michael Tulldahl , Joakim Rydell , Johan Holmgren , Jonas Nordlöf
Electro-Optical Remote Sensing XIII 11160 1116005
Jouni Rantakokko , Joakim Rydell , Peter Strömbäck , Peter Händel
IEEE Wireless Communications 18 ( 2) 10 -18