ALAN E Gelfand , SUJIT K Sahu , BP Carlin
Oxford University Press 5 165 -180
Sean M Ewings , Sujit K Sahu , John J Valletta , Christopher D Byrne
Statistical Methods in Medical Research 24 ( 3) 342 -372
C Edson Utazi , Sujit K Sahu , Peter M Atkinson , Natalia Tejedor-Garavito
BMJ Global Health 3 ( 2)
Sujit K Sahu , Alan E Gelfand , David M Holland
Journal of the American Statistical Association 102 ( 480) 1221 -1234
Gareth O Roberts , Sujit K Sahu
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 10 ( 2) 216 -229
Stan Yip , Norziha Che Him , Nur Izzah Jamil , Daihai He
Climate Risk Management 36 100429
Chigozie Edson Utazi , Justice Moses K Aheto , Ho Man Theophilus Chan , Andrew J Tatem
Statistics in Medicine 41 ( 29) 5662 -5678
Sujit K Sahu , Dipak K Dey
Chapman and Hall/CRC 329 -346
Kay Deaux , Mark Snyder
marriage 198 249 -250
Sujit K Sahu , Giovanna Jona Lasinio , Arianna Orasi , Kanti V Mardia
Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1 ( 4) 273 -281
Sujit K Sahu , Kanti V Mardia
Caitlin E Buck , Sujit K Sahu
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C (Applied Statistics) 49 ( 4) 423 -440
Duncan Lee , Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay , Alastair Rushworth , Sujit K Sahu
Biostatistics 18 ( 2) 370 -385
Alan E Gelfand , Sujit K Sahu
The Oxford Handbook of Applied Bayesian Analysis. Editors: Anthony O'Hagan and Mike West 482 -510
Sujit K Sahu , Dankmar Böhning
Spatial Statistics 49 100519 -100519
Sujit K Sahu , Orietta Nicolis
Environmetrics: The official journal of the International Environmetrics Society 20 ( 8) 943 -961
Sujit K Sahu , CE Buck , AR Millard
Lecture Notes in Statistics 111 -127
Sujit K Sahu , Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay
Technical Report, University of Southampton
Duncan Lee , Sujit K Sahu
Chapman & Hall-CRC Handbooks of Modern Statistical Methods 271 -288
Orietta Nicolis , Christian Camaño , Julio C Maŕın , Sujit K Sahu
AIP Conference Proceedings 1798 ( 1)