Kyle Benne , Brian Ball , W Bernal Heredia , Dylan Cutler
Dylan Cutler , Willy Bernal Heredia , Jesse Dean
Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Feitau Kung , Stephen Frank , Jennifer Scheib , Willy Bernal Heredia
Vagelis Vossos , Daniel L Gerber , Melanie Gaillet-Tournier , Bruce Nordman
Energies 15 ( 3) 786 -786
Moazzam Nazir , Omkar Ghatpande , Willy Bernal Heredia , Cameron Wierzbanowski
Energies 15 ( 1) 136 -136
Lester S Shen , Di Sui , Robert Lysholm , Willy Bernal Heredia
Center for Energy and Environment (CEE), Minneapolis, MN (United States) ( DOE-CEE-0008191)
Aron Saxon , Willy Bernal Heredia
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States) ( NREL/TP-5500-76817)
Kyle Benne , Brian Ball , Willy Bernal Heredia , Dylan Cutler
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)
Willy Bernal , Madhur Behl , Truong X Nghiem , Rahul Mangharam
Workshop on Embedded Sensing Systems for Energy-Efficiency in Buildings (BuildSys) 123 -130
Willy Bernal , Madhur Behl , Truong Nghiem , Rahul Mangharam
ACM SIGBED Review 10 ( 2) 34 -34
Willy Bernal , Madhur Behl , Truong Nghiem , Rahul Mangharam
ASHRAE-IBPSA Building Simulation Conference
Willy Bernal , Madhur Behl , Truong Nghiem , Rahul Mangharam
215 -216
Dylan S Cutler , Willy G Bernal Heredia , Jesse D Dean
Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Spencer Hutchinson , Willy G Bernal Heredia , Omkar A Ghatpande
2022 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech) 71 -78
Jimmy Sastra , Willy Giovanni Bernal Heredia , Jonathan Clark , Mark Yim
ASME 2008 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Parts A and B 1467 -1474