Werner Lottermoser , T Armbruster , M Kunz , Georg Amthauer
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Supplement Issue
Euclid Collaboration , M Knabenhans , J Stadel , D Potter
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
N Aghanim , P.G Castro , O Forni , M Kunz
New Astronomy Reviews 47 ( 8) 805 -810
M Kunz
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 110 ( 6) 062014
L Bisigello , U Kuchner , C J Conselice , S Andreon
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494 ( 2) 2337 -2354
A Vafaei Sadr , M Farhang , S M S Movahed , B Bassett
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478 ( 1) 1132 -1140
R Scaramella , J Amiaux , Y Mellier , C Burigana
Astronomy \& Astrophysics 662 A112
Francesca Lepori , I Tutusaus , C Viglione , Christophe Bonvin
Astronomy \& Astrophysics 662 A93
Arthur Loureiro , L Whittaker , A Spurio Mancini , B Joachimi
Astronomy \& Astrophysics 665 A56
M Schirmer , K Jahnke , G Seidel , H Aussel
Astronomy \& Astrophysics 662 A92
Nico Hamaus , M Aubert , Alice Pisani , S Contarini
Astronomy \& Astrophysics 658 A20
S Ilić , N Aghanim , C Baccigalupi , JOSE RAMON Bermejo-Climent
Astronomy \& Astrophysics 657 A91
AS Borlaff , P Gómez-Alvarez , B Altieri , PM Marcum
Astronomy \& Astrophysics 657 A92
PAR Ade , N Aghanim , Y Akrami , PK Aluri
Astronomy & Astrophysics 594 A16 -A16
Peter AR Ade , J Aumont , Carlo Baccigalupi , AJ Banday
Astronomy & Astrophysics 594 A3 -A3
N Aghanim , B Altieri , M Arnaud , M Ashdown
M Ashdown , J Aumont , C Baccigalupi , M Ballardini
A&a 641 A12 -A12
MA Miville-Deschênes , V Pettorino , M Bucher , J Delabrouille
Astronomy and Astrophysics 641 A4 -A4
Y Akrami , F Argüeso , M Ashdown , J Aumont
RB Barreiro , N Bartolo , S Basak , P Battaglia