Ryan Dehoff , Anton Tremsin , Ken Herwig , Hassina Bilheux
ASNT 24th Research Symposium 2015 18 -23
Michel M. Kirka , Ahmed Arabi Hassen
Materials evaluation 76 ( 4) 438 -453
K.A. Unocic , M.M. Kirka , E. Cakmak , D. Greeley
Materials Science and Engineering A-structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 772 138607
M.M. Kirka
Additive Manufacturing Processes 339 -345
M.M. Kirka , K.A. Brindley , R.W. Neu , S.D. Antolovich
International Journal of Fatigue 81 191 -201
M.M. Kirka , K.A. Brindley , R.W. Neu , S.D. Antolovich
International Journal of Fatigue 81 48 -60
M.M. Kirka , D.A. Greeley , C. Hawkins , R.R. Dehoff
International Journal of Fatigue 105 235 -243
Y.S. Lee , M.M. Kirka , J. Ferguson , V.C. Paquit
Additive manufacturing 32 101031
W.J. Sames , K.A. Unocic , G.W. Helmreich , M.M. Kirka
Additive manufacturing 13 156 -165
A. Plotkowski , M.M. Kirka , S.S. Babu
Additive Manufacturing 18 256 -268
Y.S. Lee , M.M. Kirka , R.B. Dinwiddie , N. Raghavan
Additive manufacturing 22 516 -527
Michael Kirka , Vincent Paquit , Amirkoushyar Ziabari , Philip R. Bingham
Microscopy and Microanalysis 25 376 -377
Michael Kirka , Vincent Paquit , Ryan Dehoff , Amirkoushyar Ziabari
ASME 2020 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
Benjamin Shassere , Duncan Greeley , Alfred Okello , Michael Kirka
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-physical Metallurgy and Materials Science 49 ( 10) 5107 -5117
Narendran Raghavan , Ryan Dehoff , Sreekanth Pannala , Srdjan Simunovic
Acta Materialia 112 303 -314
Narendran Raghavan , Srdjan Simunovic , Ryan Dehoff , Alex Plotkowski
Acta Materialia 140 375 -387
Narendran Raghavan , Sudarsanam S. Babu , Ryan Dehoff , Sreekanth Pannala
Acta Materialia 140 472
Michael Kirka , Daniel Herrington
Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Gian Song , Jiao YY Lin , Jean C Bilheux , Qingge Xie
Journal of Imaging 3 ( 4) 65
William Peter , Peeyush Nandwana , Michael Kirka , Ryan Dehoff
Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)