Adam Wolisz , Murad Abusubaih , James Gross
1st IEEE Workshop on Autonomic Communications and Network Management 2007 (ACNM 2007)
Murad Abusubaih
Communications of the ACS 3 ( 2)
Murad Abusubaih
Murad Abusubaih
Annales Des Télécommunications 66 ( 11) 635 -642
Murad Abusubaih
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing 10 ( 4) 386 -392
Murad Abusubaih , Adam Wolisz
personal, indoor and mobile radio communications 1 -6
Murad Abusubaih
personal, indoor and mobile radio communications 2336 -2341
Murad Abusubaih
2010 Fourth International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies 208 -212
Murad Abusubaih , Mahmoud Rajabi , Mahmood Ajloni , Fadel Shahin
acm symposium on applied computing 600 -604
Murad Abusubaih
Wireless Personal Communications 88 ( 2) 295 -303
Murad Abusubaih , Berthold Rathke , Adam Wolisz
world of wireless mobile and multimedia networks 1 -11
Murad Abusubaih , Berthold Rathke , Adam Wolisz
mobile and wireless communication networks 121 -125
Murad Abusubaih , Anas Abu Tabaneh
2015 8th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC) 245 -252
Murad Abusubaih , Adam Wolisz
Proceedings of the 10th ACM Symposium on Modeling, analysis, and simulation of wireless and mobile systems - MSWiM '07 117 -123
Murad Abusubaih , James Gross , Sven Wiethoelter , Adam Wolisz
local computer networks 879 -886
Murad Abusubaih
Computers & Electrical Engineering 38 ( 3) 672 -680
Murad Abusubaih , Mohammad Ayyash
international conference on telecommunications 1 -5
Murad Abusubaih
International Journal of Network Management 23 ( 1) 66 -79
Murad Abusubaih , Berthold Rathke , Adam Wolisz
workshop on local and metropolitan area networks 31 -36
Wendong Hu , Daniel Willkomm , Murad Abusubaih , James Gross
IEEE Communications Magazine 45 ( 5) 80 -87