S.R. Speer , R.G. Crowder , L.M. Thomas
Journal of Memory and Language 32 ( 3) 336 -358
F.M. Brown , A. Agah , J.M. Gauch , T. Schreiber
systems man and cybernetics 6 988 -993
F.M. Brown , A. Agah , J.M. Gauch , T. Schreiber
systems man and cybernetics 6 994 -999
Seth Wiener , Kiwako Ito , Shari R Speer
Language and Speech 61 ( 4) 632 -656
Jon Stevens , Marie-Catherine de Marneffe , Shari R Speer , Judith Tonhauser
Marie-Catherine de Marneffe , Miranda Dickerman , Micha Elsner , Shari R Speer
Individual strategies for resolving lexical and prosodic cues to certainty
Jon Scott Stevens , Marie-Catherine de Marneffe , Shari R Speer , Judith Tonhauser
Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society Annual Meeting
Kiwako Ito , Shari R Speer , Mary E Beckman
Speech prosody 2004, international conference
Michael White , Rajakrishnan Rajkumar , Kiwako Ito , Shari R Speer
INTERSPEECH 2523 -2526
Cathy Ball , Chris Brew , Deborah Burke , Robyn Carston
LANGUAGE AND SPEECH 39 ( 4) 397 -398
Maria Alegre , Alan Allport , Dale J Barr , Angela Baumann
Journal of Memory and Language 40 606 -606
Amy J Schafer , Shari R Speer , Paul Warren , SD White
Approaches to studying world-situated language use 209 -225
Shari R Speer , Paul Warren , Amy Schafer
Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 95 -105
Paul Warren , Amy J Schafer , Shari R Speer , S David White
UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics 5 -34
Shari R Speer , Paul Warren , Amy J Schafer , S David White
Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 1301 -1304
Amy J Schafer , P Warren , Shari R Speer , S David White
Annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Chicago, IL
Shari R Speer , Amy J Schafer , Paul Warren
Amy J Schafer , Shari R Speer
B Pearson , Jeffrey Lidz , Cecile McKee , Elizabeth A McCullough
Proceedings of the 39th Boston University conference on language development
Shari R Speer , Anouschka Foltz
Explicit and implicit prosody in sentence processing: studies in honor of Janet Dean Fodor 263 -285