The influence of atmospheric circulation on the dynamics of the intermediate water layer in the eastern part of the St. Anna Trough

S. A. Kirillov , I. A. Dmitrenko , V. V. Ivanov , E. O. Aksenov
Doklady Earth Sciences 444 ( 1) 630 -633

The sea ice-ocean global model. Impact of the sea ice on the ocean circulation in Arctic

Ye. Aksenov , B. Decuevas , D. J. Webb
EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly 14089

Failure Propagation Effects in an Anisotropic Sea Ice Dynamics Model

Ye. Aksenov , W. D. Hibler
IUTAM Symposium on Scaling Laws in Ice Mechanics and Ice Dynamics 363 -372

Simulations of the Arctic Boundary Current in an eddy-resolving global ocean model

Y. Aksenov , S. Bacon , A.J.G. Nurser , A.C. Coward
EGUGA 7973

Reduction in Arctic Ocean Freshwater transport

E. Hansen , L. de Steur , C. Lee , Y. Aksenov
Oceanography Society/ASLO/AGU

Atlantic Water inflow into the Arctic Ocean through the St. Anna Trough

I. V. Polyakov , M. Makhotin , V. S. Lien , M. Janout
EGUGA 3640

Forcing, variability, and pathway of a freshwater-driven current in the Eurasian Arctic

M. Karcher , I. Polyakov , Y.-D. Lenn , B. Rabe
The EGU General Assembly 5541

Modelling Sea Ice and Surface Wave Interactions in Polar Regions

L. Bertino , Y. Aksenov , A. Coward , L. Hosekova
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015

Buoyant Currents West and East of Greenland

Y. Aksenov , S. Bacon , A. Coward , G. Nurser
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014

The Annual Cycle of Arctic Ice and Ocean Heat and Freshwater Fluxes, Measured and Modelled

S. Bacon , Y. Aksenov , T. Tsubouchi
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014

Forcing, variability, and pathway of a Siberian buoyancy-driven current and its implications for Arctic freshwater variability

M. Karcher , Heidemarie Kassens , Y.-D. Lenn , B. Rabe
[Poster] In: ASSW15 - Arctic Science Summit Week 2015, 23.-30.04.2015, Toyama, Japan .

Local ice cover deformation and mesoscale ice dynamics "Ice State"

J. Tuhkuri , M. Doble , M. Leppäranta , P. Wadhams
315 -328

Improved ice-ocean form drag parameterization in the CICE model

M. Tsamados , D. L. Feltham , D. Flocco , D. Schroeder
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017

The Atlantic Inflow through the Barents Sea from the high-resolution simulations

Y. Aksenov , S. Bacon , A. C. Coward , A. J. G. Nurser
EGUGA 4844

Dynamics of the Arctic Pacific Water

A. Y. Proshutinsky , M. J. Karcher , F. Kauker , R. Gerdes
American Geophysical Union 2016

Fragmentation and melting of the seasonal sea ice cover

J. K. Ridley , Y. Aksenov , A. Bateson , D. Schroeder
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017

High Resolution simulations of the halocline waters outflow from the Arctic Ocean

M. R. Wadley , A. C. Coward , N. P. Holliday , Y. Aksenov
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 4642

The impact on Arctic sea ice of increased ice-ocean drag caused by ocean internal waves

D. L. Feltham , D. Flocco , Y. Aksenov , A. Siahaan
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018