Aysenur Birturk , Oznur Kirmemis
international conference on web information systems and technologies 271 -274
Gülen Toker , Oznur Kirmemis
Survey Paper, Middle East Technical University
Oznur Kirmemis , Aysenur Birturk
Workshop on ITWP
O Kirmemiş
Unpublished master's thesis, Computer Engineering Department of Middle East Technical University
Bart Knijnenburg , Elizabeth M. Daly , Öznur Alkan , Adi Botea
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 5 1 -25
Daricia Wilkinson , Öznur Alkan , Q Vera Liao , Massimiliano Mattetti
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 39 ( 4) 1 -21
David Piorkowski , Inge Vejsbjerg , Owen Cornec , Elizabeth M Daly
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 7 ( CSCW2) 1 -25
Stefano Teso , Öznur Alkan , Wolfgang Stammer , Elizabeth Daly
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 6 1066049 -1066049
Rahul Nair , Massimiliano Mattetti , Elizabeth Daly , Dennis Wei
Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, {IJCAI-21} 2855 -2855
Elizabeth M Daly , Massimiliano Mattetti , Öznur Alkan , Rahul Nair
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 ( 7) 5896 -5904
Massimiliano Mattetti , Akihiro Kishimoto , Adi Botea , Elizabeth Daly
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.04810
Oznur Kirmemis Alkan , Pinar Karagoz
Journal of Information Science 42 ( 2) 261 -273
Oznur Kirmemis Alkan , Pınar Karagoz
hybrid artificial intelligence systems 181 -190
Oznur Kirmemis Alkan , Pinar Karagoz
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 27 ( 10) 2645 -2657
Oznur Kirmemis Alkan , Pinar Karagoz
international conference industrial engineering other applications applied intelligent systems 161 -170
Oznur Kirmemis Alkan , Pinar Senkul ,
Computer and Information Sciences III 419 -427
Oznur Kirmemis Alkan , Pinar Senkul ,
Workshop chairs 57 -57
Hoang Thanh Lam , Johann-Michael Thiebaut , Mathieu Sinn , Bei Chen
arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.00327
Lijie Guo , Elizabeth M Daly , Oznur Alkan , Massimiliano Mattetti
537 -548