Ondřej Polacek , Adam J. Sporka , Pavel Slavik
systems man and cybernetics 42 ( 6) 1567 -1571
Adam J. Sporka , Ondrej Polacek , Pavel Slavik
Proceedings of the 10th European conference on Interactive tv and video - EuroiTV '12 49 -52
Ondrej Polacek , Martin Klima , Adam J. Sporka , Pavel Zak
Proceedings of the 10th European conference on Interactive tv and video - EuroiTV '12 139 -142
Adam J. Sporka , Ondrej Polacek
conference on computers and accessibility 263 -264
Thomas Grill , Ondrej Polacek , Manfred Tscheligi
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 7 ( 6) 719 -744
Thomas Grill , Ondrej Polacek , Manfred Tscheligi
mobile and ubiquitous multimedia 21
Ondrej Polacek , Adam J. Sporka , Brandon Butler
ieee international conference on cognitive infocommunications 155 -160
Simon Rudolf , Adam J. Sporka , Ondrej Polacek
ieee international conference on cognitive infocommunications 85 -89
Antonin Posusta , Adam J Sporka , Ondrej Polacek , Jakub Otahal
ieee international conference on cognitive infocommunications 67 -72
Ondrej Polacek , Zdenek Mikovec , Adam J. Sporka , Pavel Slavik
conference on computers and accessibility 75 -82
Thomas Grill , Ondrej Polacek , Manfred Tscheligi
human centered software engineering 164 -180
Ondrej Polacek , Adam J. Sporka , Pavel Slavik
Universal Access in The Information Society 16 ( 1) 51 -72
Ondrej Polacek , Thomas Grill , Manfred Tscheligi
1 -9
Doris Zachhuber , Thomas Grill , Ondrej Polacek , Manfred Tscheligi
Ambient Intelligence: Third International Joint Conference, AmI 2012, Pisa, Italy, November 13-15, 2012. Proceedings 3 224 -239
Antonín Pošusta , Adam J. Sporka , Ondřej Poláček , Šimon Rudolf
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 9 ( 4) 299 -311
Ondřej Poláček , Thomas Grill , Manfred Tscheligi
ACM Sigaccess Accessibility and Computing 104 ( 104) 12 -29
Ondřej Poláček , Zdeněk Míkovec
Human-Centred Software Engineering 190 -197
Ondřej Poláček , Adam J. Sporka , Pavel Slavík
advances in computer entertainment technology 298 -301
Ondřej Poláček , Adam J. Sporka , Zdeněk Míkovec
international conference on computers helping people with special needs 467 -474
Ondřej Poláček , Tomáš Pavlík , Adam J. Sporka
text speech and dialogue 217 -224