H. Renevier , C. Priester , C. Delerue , A. Letoublon
Ecole Prédoctorale sur la Physique Mésoscopique
Y.M. Niquet , C. Krzeminski , C. Delerue , M. Lannoo
Ecole thématique sur les nitrures
C. Delerue , Y.M. Niquet
Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, MRS Spring 2012, Symposium AA : Inorganic Nanowires and Nanotubes - Synthesis, Properties, and Device Applications
Y.M. Niquet , G. Allan , C. Delerue , M. Lannoo
7èmes Journées de la Matière Condensée
C. Krzeminski , S. Lenfant , C. Delerue , D. Vuillaume
Electronic Materials Conference
Z. Hens , C. Delerue , D. Deresmes , D. Vanmaekelbergh
APS 2003
M. Dubois , C. Delerue , A. Rubio
Trends in Nanotechnology, TNT 2005
C. Krzeminski , C. Delerue , R.M. Metzger , D. Vuillaume
Asia-Pacific Surface and Interface Analysis Conference, APSIAC 2000
C. Krzeminski , C. Delerue , D. Vuillaume , G. Allan
Electron Transport on the Molecular Scale
C. Krzeminski , C. Delerue , D. Vuillaume , G. Allan
7èmes Journées de la Matière Condensée
G. Allan , C. Delerue , M. Lannoo
Ecole Prédoctorale sur la Physique Mésoscopique
V. Ranjan , C. Prietser , G. Allan , C. Delerue
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2003
G. Allan , C. Delerue , M. Lannoo
Tutorial Courses 'Interface atomic level and properties of advanced materials'
Y.M. Niquet , A. Lherbier , M. Persson , M. Diarra
International Conference on One-dimensional Nanomaterials
Y.M. Niquet , A. Lherbier , M. Persson , M. Diarra
397th Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar on Semiconducting Nanowires : Physics, Materials and Devices
C. Delerue , D. Vanmaekelbergh , W. Beugeling , C. Morais Smith
arXiv: Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
S. Lenfant , C. Krzeminski , C. Delerue , D. Vuillaume
5th International Conference on Functionalized n-electron Systems
G. Allan , C. Delerue
European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting
C. Delerue , F. Vaurette , D. Vanmaekelbergh , B. Grandidier
ieee electron devices technology and manufacturing conference
M. Dib , M. Chamarro , V. Voliotis , J.L. Fave
Physica Status Solidi B-basic Solid State Physics 212 ( 2) 293 -305