Soundscapes of the Southern Ocean: Passive Acoustic Monitoring in the Weddell Sea

Olaf Boebel , Ilse van Opzeeland , Sebastian Menze , Daniel Zitterbart
EPIC3Deutsche Gesellschaft für Polarforschung (DGP) 25. Internationale Polartagung „Polargebiete im Wandel“, 2013-02-18-2013-02-22

Automated whale detection and local, high resolution ice mapping using a 360° ship-based thermal imager.

Daniel Zitterbart , Lars Kindermann , Elke Burkhardt , Olaf Boebel
EPIC3IPY Polar Science Conference, New frontiers, data practices and directions in polar research, Oslo 2010.

Automatic detection and identification of whales using thermal and visual imaging techniques for cetacean censuses and marine mammal mitigation

Daniel Zitterbart , Lars Kindermann , Sebastian Richter , Olaf Boebel
EPIC3Ocean Science Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii

Kraftmessung an Zellen in 2D und 3D.

Daniel Zitterbart , C. T. Mierke , B. Fabry , T. Koch
EPIC3BIOspektrum 04.06:390-391PDF), 2006, pp. 390-391

Locomotion in Biological Systems

Daniel Zitterbart

Remote Sensing of Whales Using Thermal and Visual Imaging

Daniel Zitterbart
EPIC3ORE Seminar, Hawaii University, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2014-02-26-2014-02-26

Modelling Habitat Suitability of Humpback and Antarctic Minke Whale Feeding Grounds in the Southern Ocean

Stephan Frickenhaus , Ilse van Opzeeland , Mary S. Wisz , Daniel Zitterbart
EPIC320th Biennial Conference on Marine Mammals, Dunedin, New Zealand, 2013-12-09-2013-12-13

2013 a community driven biodiversity information tool for mobile phones

Daniel Zitterbart , M. Uher , T. Uher
EPIC3Museum fuer Naturkunde (Berlin Museum of Natural History), Berlin.

Pervasive acoustic presence of baleen whales in the Southern Ocean

Stefanie Spiesecke , Ilse van Opzeeland , Daniel Zitterbart , Lars Kindermann
EPIC321st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Workshop "Baleen whale migration, revisited", San Francisco, USA, 2015-12-13-2015-12-13

Spatio-temporal patterns of Antarctic blue whale vocal behavior in the Southern Ocean

Stefanie Spiesecke , Ilse van Opzeeland , Daniel Zitterbart , Wilhelm Hagen
EPIC3Bioacoustics Days, IMARES, IJmuiden, Netherlands, 2015-11-06-2015-11-06

Detection and Tracking of Whales Using a Ship-based 360° Thermal Imaging System

Daniel Zitterbart , Lars Kindermann , Elke Burkhardt , Olaf Boebel
EPIC3Internationale Polartagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, Obergurgl, Austria, 2010-09-06-2010-09-10Deutsche Gesellschaft für Polarforschung

Ocean sounds: Passive acoustic research on marine mammals

Stefanie Spiesecke , Ilse van Opzeeland , Daniel Zitterbart , Elke Burkhardt
EPIC3Tag der Lehre - University of Bremen, University of Bremen, 2016-11-09

How automatic detection and classification of southern right whale upcalls is influenced by choice of software and parameter values

Daniel Zitterbart , Victoria Warren
EPIC3European Cetacean Society Conference, Middelfart, Denmark, 2017-05-01-2017-05-03

ETAW: Exploring the thermal and technological limits of automatic whale detection

Olaf Boebel , Hendrik Kniest , Caterina Lanfredi , Daniel Zitterbart
EPIC3The effects of noise on aquatic life, Dublin, Ireland, 2016-07-10-2016-07-15

Optimizing a rotating thermal-IR system to automatically detect marine mammals in Atlantic Canada

Daniel Zitterbart , Valerie Moulton , Meike Holst , Michael Flau
EPIC322nd Biennial Society for Marine Mammalogy Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2017-10-22-2017-10-27

Emissivity rules: Principles of infrared whale detection revisited

Olaf Boebel , Daniel Zitterbart , D. R. Ketten , Elke Burkhardt
EPIC3ESOMM - 2018 6th International Meeting on the Effects of Sound in the Ocean on Marine Mammals, The Hague , The Netherlands, 2018-09-09-2018-09-14

Estimating the spatial distribution of vocalizing animals from ambient sound spectra using widely spaced recorder arrays and inverse modelling

Sebastian Menze , Daniel Zitterbart , Martin Biuw , Olaf Boebel
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146 ( 6) 4699 -4717

Regulation of cell contractility through vinculin and its domains.

CT Mierke , P Kollmannsberger , Daniel Zitterbart , G Diez
Biophysical Journal 94: 661-670 (2008)

Reviews and syntheses: A framework to observe, understand, and project ecosystem response to environmental change in the East Antarctic Southern Ocean

Julian Gutt , Stefanie Arndt , David Keith Alan Barnes , Horst Bornemann
Biogeosciences Discussions 2022 1 -49

Cameratransform: a scientific python package for perspective camera corrections

Richard Gerum , Sebastian Richter , Alexander Winterl , Ben Fabry
arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.07438