George Kalogridis , Stojan Z. Denic
international conference on data mining 636 -642
Chan Yeob Yeun , G. Kalogridis , G. Clemo
vehicular technology conference 3 1536 -1540
G. Kalogridis , S.Z. Denic , T. Lewis , R. Cepeda
International Journal of Security and Networks 6 ( 1) 14 -27
M. A. Mustafa , Ning Zhang , G. Kalogridis , Zhong Fan
ieee pes innovative smart grid technologies conference 1 -6
Georgios Kalogridis , Chris J. Mitchell , Gary Clemo
Security and Management 405 -411
Georgios Kalogridis
Georgios Kalogridis , Chris J. Mitchell
availability, reliability and security 1013 -1019
Georgios Kalogridis , Saraansh Dave
international conference on e-health networking, applications and services 116 -121
Georgios Kalogridis , Rafael Cepeda , Stojan Z. Denic , Tim Lewis
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 2 ( 4) 750 -758
Georgios Kalogridis , Russell J. Haines
Proceedings of the 7th ACM workshop on Performance monitoring and measurement of heterogeneous wireless and wired networks - PM2HW2N '12 149 -158
Mustafa A. Mustafa , Ning Zhang , Georgios Kalogridis , Zhong Fan
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 788 -794
Orestis Georgiou , Georgios Kalogridis , Hachem Yassine , Stojan Denic
2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 1 -7
Mustafa A. Mustafa , Ning Zhang , Georgios Kalogridis , Zhong Fan
IEEE Access 3 2828 -2846
Georgios Kalogridis , Mahesh Sooriyabandara , Zhong Fan , Mustafa A. Mustafa
IEEE Systems Journal 8 ( 2) 641 -654
Georgios Kalogridis , Zhong Fan , Sagar Basutkar
2011 IEEE Ninth International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications Workshops 77 -84
Stefanos Vatsikas , Georgios Kalogridis , Tim Lewis , Mahesh Sooriyabandara
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 ( 2) 40 -47
Georgios Kalogridis , Tim Farnham , James Wilcox , Mohammed Faies
Procedia Engineering 119 854 -863
Aftab Khan , Alexandros Zenonos , Georgios Kalogridis , Yaowei Wang
ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare 2 ( 1) 1 -16
Georgios Kalogridis , Orestis Georgiou
international conference on communications 742 -748
Alexandros Zenonos , Aftab Khan , Georgios Kalogridis , Stefanos Vatsikas
international conference on pervasive computing 1 -6