Chafic Mokbel , Gérard Chollet , A. Ghaoui , François Yvon
conference of the international speech communication association 1281 -1284
Frédéric Bimbot , Alvaro De Lima-Veiga , Gérard Chollet , Gunnar Ahlbom
ECST 2389 -2392
Philippe Langlais , R. van Kommer , Jean-Luc Cochard , Gérard Chollet
Linguistic Databases
Dominique Genoud , Gérard Chollet
Proceedings of International Phonetic Science conference IPS98, Washington
Andrzej Drygajlo , Olivier Bornet , Philippe Renevey , Jean-Luc Cochard
Proceedings of Workstations und ihre Anwendungen, SIWORK'96 1 -4
I. Magrin-Chagnolleau , Corinne Fredouille , Dominique Genoud , Guillaume Gravier
DSP Journal (Special Issue on the Nist Speaker Recognition Workshop)
M. Homayounpour , Gérard Chollet
International Congress of Phonetic Sciences
Gérard Chollet
Fondements et perspectives en traitement automatique de la parole
Gérard Chollet ,
Frédéric Bimbot , Gérard Chollet
Spoken Language Ressources and Assessment
I. Magrin-Chagnolleau , Corinne Fredouille , Guillaume Gravier , Frédéric Bimbot
IEEE Workshop on Automatic Advanced Technologies
Cédric Jaboulet , Philippe Langlais , Jean-Luc Cochard , Andrei Constantinescu
Dominique Genoud , Jean Hennebert , Gérard Chollet , D. Petrovska-Delacretaz
COST250 - Application of speaker recognition techniques in telephony
Andrei Constantinescu , Gérard Chollet
Proceedings of The 3rd Slovenian-German and 2nd SDRV Workshop, Speech and Image Understanding
Chafic Mokbel , Gabriel Alam , Georges Kfoury , Gérard Chollet
Dominique Fohr , Gérard Chollet , Jean-Paul Haton , Yassine Benayed
International Workshop speech and computer - SPECOM'2002
Dominique Genoud , Guillaume Gravier , Frédéric Bimbot , Gérard Chollet
XXIes Journées d'études sur la parole 391 -394
Cédric Jaboulet , Frédéric Bimbot , Johan Koolwaaij , Jamal Kharroubi
conference of the international speech communication association 5 1963 -1966
Pierrick Milhorat , Stephan Schlögl , Gérard Chollet , Jérôme Boudy
annual meeting of the special interest group on discourse and dialogue 157 -159
Mathieu Radenen , Pierrick Milhorat , Thierry Artières , Gérard Chollet
JEP 2014 : 30e Journées d'Etude sur la Parole 466 -474