Ian S Welch , Robert J Stroud , Alexander Romanovsky
Department of Computing, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Ian S Welch , Robert J Stroud
The Computer Journal 46 ( 5) 578 -589
Ian S Welch , Robert J Stroud
Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software 82 -82
Ian S Welch , Robert J Stroud
123 -124
Van Lam Le , Ian Welch , Xiaoying Sharon Gao , Peter Komisarczuk
information security conference 33 -40
Van Lam Le , Ian Welch , Xiaoying Gao , Peter Komisarczuk
information security conference 49 -58
Ian Welch , Emiliano Tramontana
RAM-SE 3 -8
Ian Welch , Robert J. Stroud
workshop on object oriented technology 303 -304
Peter Komisarczuk , Ian Welch , Christian Seifert
University of Wellington
Peter Komisarczuk , Ian Welch
australasian computing education conference 117 -123
Ian Welch , Masood Mansoori , Hamid Mohammadzadeh
information security conference 59 -66
Peter Komisarczuk , D. Stirling , Christian Seifert , Ian Welch
Victoria University of Wellington
Vipul Delwadia , Ian Welch , Stuart Marshall
australasian user interface conference 3 -8
Vipul Delwadia , Ian Welch , Stuart Marshall
australasian user interface conference 5 -13
Ian Welch , Masood Mansoori , Qiang Fu
information security conference 7 -15
Ian Welch , Mohammed Al-Shaboti , Gang Chen
local computer networks 88 -99
Ian Welch , Bryan Ng , Sue Chard , Lisa Patterson
hawaii international conference on system sciences 1 -10
Harith Al-Sahaf , Ian Welch , Masood Mansoori , Junaid Haseeb
trust security and privacy in computing and communications 353 -360
Ian Welch , Masood Mansoori , Junaid Haseeb
trust security and privacy in computing and communications 557 -567
Ian Welch , Robert Stroud
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2 -21