Scattering by elastic objects in the time domain for underwater acoustic configurations by means of a spectral-element method

Komatitsch Dimitri , Paul Cristini
162nd meeting of the acoustical society of america

Adjoint tomography of the Italian lithosphere

Magnoni Federica , Casarotti Emanuele , Komatitsch Dimitri , Stefano Raffaele Di
Communications Earth & Environment 3 ( 1)

A variational formulation of a stabilized unsplit convolutional perfectly matched layer for the isotropic or anisotropic seismic wave equation

Dimitri Komatitsch , Stephen D. Gedney , Roland Martin
Cmes-computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 37 ( 3) 274 -304

Spectral-element and adjoint methods in seismology

Dimitri Komatitsch , Qinya Liu , Jeroen Tromp
Communications in Computational Physics 3 ( 1) 1 -32

SHdiff/SVdiff splitting in an isotropic Earth and anisotropy in D"

Dimitri Komatitsch , Lev Vinnik , Sebastien Chevrot
EGUGA 8396

High-order multi-step one-way modeling

Dimitri Komatitsch , Hélène Barucq , Caroline Baldassari , Roland Martin
8th International conference on mathematical and numerical aspects of waves, WAVES'07

Linux in education

Dimitri Komatitsch , Jeroen Tromp
Linux Journal 2001 ( 90) 9

Convolution and non convolution Perfectly Matched Layer techniques optimized at grazing incidence for high-order wave propagation modelling

Dimitri Komatitsch , Emilien Bruthiaux , Stephen D. Gedney , Roland Martin
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 12 4286

Forward and adjoint simulations of seismic wave propagation on emerging large-scale GPU architectures

Dimitri Komatitsch , Olaf Schenk , Tarje Nissen-Meyer , Jeroen Tromp
ieee international conference on high performance computing data and analytics 38 1 -11

Going to high frequency for full waveform inversion of teleseismic wavefields based upon a SEM-DSM hybrid method and massive High-Performance Computing

Dimitri Komatitsch , Clément Durochat , Sébastien Chevrot , Vadim Monteiller
The EGU General Assembly 7863

Energy-conserving local time stepping based on high-order finite elements for seismic wave propagation across a fluid-solid interface

Dimitri Komatitsch , Julien Diaz , Ronan Madec
Cmes-computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 49 ( 2) 163 -190

A High-Order Time and Space Formulation of the Unsplit Perfectly Matched Layer for the Seismic Wave Equation Using Auxiliary Differential Equations (ADE-PML)

Dimitri Komatitsch , Emilien Bruthiaux , Stephen D. Gedney , Roland Martin
Cmes-computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 56 ( 1) 17 -42

The spectral element method: An efficient tool to simulate the seismic response of 2D and 3D geological structures

Dimitri Komatitsch , Jean-Pierre Vilotte
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 88 ( 2) 368 -392

Accelerating a 3D finite-difference wave propagation code and a spectral-element code using a cluster of GPU graphics cards

Dimitri Komatitsch , Dominik Göddeke , David Michéa , Gordon Erlebacher
Annual meeting of the European Geophysical Union

A spectral-element seismic wave propagation algorithm on a cluster of 192 GPUs

Dimitri Komatitsch , D. Göddeke , David Michéa , G. Erlebacher
6th International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA'10)

Three-dimensional full waveform inversion of short-period teleseismic wavefields based upon a coupled spectral-element method

Dimitri Komatitsch , V. Monteiller , Yi Wang , Sébastien Chevrot
European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Science and Engineering (ECCOMAS'2016)

L'analyse du signal engendré par le contre-minage d'engins explosifs sous-marins (ANR POSA)

Dimitri Komatitsch , Nathalie Favretto-Cristini , Thierry Garlan , Beucler É
2e Rencontres scientifiques et techniques RESIF

Optimized PML for 3D time-domain full-wave spectral-elements simulations with solid ocean bottoms

Dimitri Komatitsch , René Matzen , Zhinan Xie , Paul Cristini
Underwater Acoutics Conference and Exhibition 2015

Acoustic and elastic inversion and imaging on future exascale machines

Dimitri Komatitsch
Symposium on HPC and Data-Intensive Applications in Earth Sciences: Challenges and Opportunities