Stefan Roither , Oliver D. Mücke , Georg A. Reider , Audrius Pugzlys
A. J. Verhoef , L. Zhu , L. Grüner-Nielsen , A. Fernández
6th EPS-QEOD EUROPHOTON CONFERENCE: Solid State, Fibre, and Waveguide Coherent Light Sources
Liao , Liu , Zhu , Fernandez
european conference on optical communication 1 -2
Schoffler , Roither , Arbo , Kartashov
conference on lasers and electro optics 1 -2
Baltuska , Mitrofanov , Krikunova , Verhoef
conference on lasers and electro optics 1 -2
Michel F. Emde , Andrius Baltus̆ka , Andreas Kummrow , Maxim S. Pshenichnikov
Physical Review Letters 80 ( 21) 4645 -4648
A Baltuska , DA Wiersma , Pshenichnikov
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 220
F Bammer , E Goulielmakis , A Baltuska , T Westerwalbesloh
Research Papers in Economics
M S Schöffler , X Xie , S Roither , D Kartashov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 388 ( 3) 032071
X Xie , S Roither , D Kartashov , E Persson
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 388 ( 3) 032060
P Stajanca , D Pysz , M Michalka , G Andriukaitis
Laser Physics 24 ( 6) 065103
M S Schöffler , X Xie , S Roither , D Kartashov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 488 ( 3) 032010
R Monshouwer , A Baltuska , R van Grondelle
International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena TuE. 16 -TuE. 16
R Monshouwer , A Baltuska , F van Mourik , R van Grondelle
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology ( 65) 156 -156
G Fan , T Balciunas , S Hässler , C Fourcade-Dutin
CLEO: Science and Innovations SM1P. 1 -SM1P. 1
A Baltuska , G Fan , G Haessler , Coralie Fourcade Dutin
Ultrafast phenomena conference 08. Tue. D. 7. -08. Tue. D. 7.
T Wittmann , MG Schaetzel , F Lindner , M Lezius
S Roither , M Schöffler , D Kartashov , X Xie
The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics CG3_2 -CG3_2
R Trebino , DJ Kane , CW Siders , JLW Siders
A Baltuska , N Ishii , T Kobayashi