Grand European and Asian-Pacific multi-model seasonal forecasts: maximization of skill and of potential economical value to end-users

Andrea Alessandri , Matteo De Felice , Franco Catalano , June-Yi Lee
Climate Dynamics 50 ( 7) 2719 -2738

Impact of snow on the NH autumn and winter circulation in an ensemble of coupled forecasts

F. Doblas-Reyes , Y. Orsolini , A. Weisheimer , F. Vitart
10th EMS Annual Meeting

Decadal prediction with the ECMWF coupled system

F. J. Doblas-Reyes , A. Weisheimer , T. N. Palmer
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 4879

Natürliche Klimavariabilität in einem gekoppelten Atmosphäre-Ozean- Zirkulationsmodell moderater Komplexität

Klaus Dethloff , Dörthe Handorf , A. Weisheimer
EPIC3Kick-off-Workshop des HGF Stategieverbundprojektes, Potsdam.

Natural variability of the Arctic climate on the basis of regional and global climate model simulations

Klaus Dethloff , Annette Rinke , Dörthe Handorf , A. Weisheimer
EPIC3Terra Nostra, 3, pp. 78-85

A sensitivity study of the Arctic climate on the basis of regional and global climate model simulations

M. Botzet , Annette Rinke , Dörthe Handorf , A. Weisheimer
EPIC3Second Wadati Conference on Global Change and the Polar Climate, Extended Abstracts, March 7-9, Tsukuba, pp. 129-132

Ground-based GPS: Benefit in the data sparse Arctic region

Klaus Dethloff , M. Gerding , A. Weisheimer , Roland Neuber
EPIC3Proceedings of the COST Action 716 Workshop: Exploitation of ground-based GPS for meteorology, Potsdam, Germany

Decadal climate variability in conceptional models of the atmosphere and the atmosphere-ocean system

Klaus Dethloff , Annette Rinke , Dörthe Handorf , A. Weisheimer
EPIC3XXIII General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice

Climate variability at decadal and interdecadal time scales

A. V. Eliseev , Dörthe Handorf , A. Weisheimer , V. K. Petoukhov
EPIC3CLIVAR-Exchanges, 4, pp., pp. 21-24

Stochastic parametrization and model uncertainty

R. Buizza , G. J. Shutts , M. Leutbecher , F. Doblas-Reyes
EPIC3ECMWF Technical Memorandum, 598, 42 p.

Zur niederfrequenten Variabilität der Atmosphäre in einem Low-Order-Modell

Klaus Dethloff , Annette Rinke , A. Weisheimer , P. Hupfer
EPIC3Annalen der Meteorologie, 34, pp. 13-14

Arktische Klimasimulationen auf der Basis globaler und regionaler Modelle

Klaus Dethloff , Annette Rinke , Dörthe Handorf , A. Weisheimer
EPIC3Meteorologisches Institut Universität München.

Klimamodellierung der arktischen Atmosphäre

Klaus Dethloff , Dörthe Handorf , A. Weisheimer , Wolfgang Dorn
EPIC3DLR, Berlin.

Arctic climate simulations on the basis of global and regional models

Klaus Dethloff , Annette Rinke , Dörthe Handorf , A. Weisheimer
EPIC3In: Chmielewski, F.-M., Foken, Th. (Hrsg.), Beiträge zur Klima- und Meeresforschung, Eigenverlag Chmielewski & Foken, Berlin/Bayreuth, S., pp. 5-16

Atmosphärische Zirkulationsstrukturen und dekadische Klimavariabilität

Klaus Dethloff , Annette Rinke , Dörthe Handorf , A. Weisheimer

Klimamodelle der polaren Atmosphäre

Klaus Dethloff , Annette Rinke , Dörthe Handorf , A. Weisheimer
EPIC3Freie Universität Berlin.

Dekadische Klimavariabilität in einem vereinfachten Klimamodell

Klaus Dethloff , Dörthe Handorf , A. Weisheimer , V. K. Petoukov
EPIC3Annalen der Meteorologie, 37, pp., pp. 357-358

Physics and the system Earth

Klaus Dethloff , Dörthe Handorf , A. Weisheimer , V. Haak
EPIC3Physics research: topics, significance and prospects, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, pp. 143-153, ISBN: 3-00-009664-7

North Atlantic oscillation: Diagnose and simulation of decadal variations and its long-period evolution.

A. V. Eliseev , Dörthe Handorf , A. Weisheimer , V. K. Petoukhov
EPIC3Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 36(5), pp. 555-565

Attribution of UK Winter Floods to Anthropogenic Forcing

C. Huntingford , P. Stott , A. Bowery , A. Weisheimer
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014